43 | Hair

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Muramoto Chihari-chan, another interesting classmate has joined the class of 3-E, but what has she hidden behind that blade of hers?

My sister's smile was contagious. A smile on her face easily brightens the mood, unlike me. I can't smile like that. I will never brighten the mood like she can, I can only stay in the shadows to support her, for I am the inferior half.

Equality, such does not exist in my family. My parents favored my sister for she was more effective in killing off targets with those swift and strong movements of hers. I always stood behind, killing off the leftovers. She was always growing and becoming better that I was afraid of the day my sister would no longer need me and kill me along with her list of victims. So I had to grow stronger as well and faster than Hari-chan ever could so she would never leave me behind.

"How does this look?" Hari-chan's question snapped me out of my thoughts. She stood in front of a mirror, admiring herself in a red and black outfit that seemed a little mature for our age. Wide and tight black stripes over her chest and a short skirt. I could never pull something like that off even if we looked alike. For starters, it was embarrassing, just looking at how much skin my sister was exposing made me embarrassed. I noticed a lot of guys looking at her with creepy smiles on their faces. How disgusting, but with how she is dressed, I don't question their behavior, but could they not be so obvious?! I glared at them angrily as my sister stays oblivious to everything happening.

"Hari-chan, you look great in anything," I replied. She smiled and went back into the changing room. "But why are we shopping for new clothes? I get that we have the money, but..."

"So you don't want to hang out with me? I'm hurt Haru-nee!" She whined and looked out the changing room, faking a couple of tears. She was a great actress, if she was not an assassin, she be one of the best out there. The masks she can easily wear and take off made her one of the masters of deception in the assassination world. I sighed as I remained unaffected, after all I understand her too well.

She knows this that's why she stopped and giggled, "I needed to do something here that's why, then I got carried away with the fun, sorry nee-chan. I'm done here, shall we get to what I'm really here for?" She got out of the changing room and gave back the clothes. Grabbing my hand again, she dragged me over a couple of stores, until we finally stopped at one. Looking up to look at the sign, it was a salon.

Whatever did she need to do here?

"Hey! Can I have a hair cut?" My twin sister asked the receptionist. The idea of a hair cut stunned me momentarily. We've rarely ever cut out hair and even when we did, we would cut it for each other. The receptionist nodded and asked how much she wished to cut off. My sister wanted her hair to be shoulder length.

Now, our hair are waist length as we rarely had the time to cut it. That's why when we did, we cut each other's hair. Besides that, I actually really liked our hair, it was the only way people could tell instantly that we were twins. Our eye colour are different since we are not identical twins. Our body shape are similar but there's a slight difference and that was that I was slightly bigger than her.

"Are you sure you want to do this Hari-Chan?" I asked. She nodded and that made me ask why she would cut her hair.

"Well, to be blunt, I don't want to look like you," she replied. I stared at her speechless.

How do I reply to something like that? We were twins, not wanting to look alike after everything was almost like she was leaving or going to go against me.

"I mean, I don't want our classmates to have trouble telling us apart!" She explained herself and laughed. Her explanation calmed me down a bit but it ticked me slightly. I sighed and let her go cut her hair.

She did not allow me to watch and told me to sit at the waiting area. I complied and checked my phone for any messages. There were a couple from my classmates.

Kayano Kaede: How are you guys doing? You missed out a bit of class so I took notes for you guys, I'll pass them to you tomorrow morning okay?

Kayano really is a kind person... Anyone who love to be friends with her.

Friends... I wonder... Am I a friend to anyone in that class, or are we all just classmates?

Me: thanks a lot Kayano-chan! That really helps!

I sighed. Have I changed at all? Did meeting these classmates do anything to me?

I gave a small smile and looked through the photos saved in my phone. I never really took any photos so most of them were pictures sent to me from my classmates.

Yes, yes it did. They taught me what it means to really be a family. To enjoy my time. To cherish memories.

I stared at the picture of Karma in the pink apron and laughed softly. My heart beat quickened slightly.

To... Love. Do I love Karma? Is that why I can't kill him? Ah... Love is so complicated I don't get it. I didn't want it. But now I crave for it. It has been so long since I been with him.

"Haru-nee?" A hand tapped on my shoulder breaking me out of my train of thoughts. I looked up and saw my dear sister in her new hair. She cut till her shoulder, I hate to admit but it actually looked pretty nice. "So how is it?"

"...Not bad..." I sighed.

"Yay! I got your approval! Now then I'll go pay and we can go to our final destination," she exclaimed.

"And where's that?" I questioned.



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