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"Mom are you sure that your okay?" I ask my mother. She's been sick for like 2 weeks. I told her to go to the hospital but she don't wanna. Since she saw me watching the match of Dean Ambrose she suddenly faint. When she woke up she stayed in her room and didn't eat nor drink. I wonder what's wrong with her.

"I'm okay Dianna." She said but I can see in her eyes she's not. She's acting weird. She never been like this before.

"Mom we really need to take you to the doctor." I said with my everyday line since she became sick.

"No Dianna. I'm okay,just a drink of water with medicine is okay." She said. "I'm just gonna pee." She add and stand up. I help her since she's feeling a bit dizy.

"I can stand on my own sweetheart. You don't need to help me." She said and she made me let go of her arms.

My mom is not that old pips! She's just sick,okay? I swatch her as she walk to the attached bathroom of her room. But before sh can reach for the doorknob,she faint.

I called for help and our maids and driver help me get her to the hospital whether she like it or not.

We reach the hospital and the nurses bring her in the emergency room. The doctor approach me and ask me questions.

"What happen to her?" He ask me.

"Well she was sick and I was taking care of her. When she was about to help her to the bathroom she said she can do it on her own so I let her. When she was about to reach for the doorknob she faint." I explain to the doctor.

"Since when she is sick?" He ask me another question.

"Since this pass 2 weeks." I answer. I can feel my heart beating fast.

"Why did you didn't bring her this instant?" He ask me another question. My mother is suffering in pain and all they can do is ask me stupid questions!?

"Doc can you please just treat my mother. She's suffering and I can't Bea to lose her." I said trying to keep my calm.

"Okay. We'll try our best." He said and walk away to the room where mom was taken.

We waited for an hour and the doctor went out. I stand up and ask him whats wrong.

"Well she had a very high fever and she had difficulties in breathing. She had to be taken care well or else we'll lose her." He said.

"But doc she was healthy before she saw me watching WWE and Dean Ambrose's match was on." I said.

"Dean Ambrose!? Well I've learn that Dean and your mom had a tragic past together." He said.

"what do u mean?" I ask. My mom never mentioned me she know Dean.

"Well you didn't know?" He ask me. Of course I don't. Will I be asking him if I already know the answer? I wanna say that but that would be rude.

"No." I answer.

"Well your mom was a WWE diva before. She left after she and Dean break apart. According to those paparazzi,your mom sacrifice him for the happiness of Summer Rae. Well at first Dean didn't agree but your mother said that someday they will see each other again if fate want them to be together." The doctor said. I was surprise. How can mom not tell me.

"Doc! Ms.Mendez is already conscious." A nurse said approaching us.

"Do you wanna see your mom?" The doctor ask and I nod as a responded.

He lead me to the room my mom was charge in. At the way to her room I was thinking. Why!? Why didn't she tell me? Maybe its because she wanna forget? But she promised Dean,she promise that someday they'll meet again.

Before I know it I was inside my moms room. She smiled at me and I felt tears ran down my cheeks. The smile fade away and a mark of worrienes appeared. "What's wrong darling? Don't cry." She said.

"Mom. Why didn't you tell me about you and Dean Ambrose? What is my connection to him?" The last question suddenly just spit out of my mouth. What if his my father?

"Where did you find it out?" She said.

"Its not important mom. Jus tell me." I said and she start explaining.

"Dean was my enemy back in my career in WWE. I hate him but when Steph and Hunter put us in a romantic story line. That's when I fall for him. But Summer came in picture sh ruined me and Dean's relation. One day while I'm in a match,Summer butt in and we had a bickering. Dean went in too and call me names. I confess my feelings for him. Later that night I was crying and Brie Bella,Nikki Bella, and Paige was comforting me. He knock on the door and that night we got back together. I didn't know it was just pity. I found out but he said he learned to love me. I forgive him that instant and then later that morning we break apart. And he didn't know I was pregnant with you." She explained a very long explanation.

(A/N:that was a long explanation and I don't know why I put the whole book 1 in here. Ooppss my bad. And I suck at throwback you know.)

"So Dean Ambrose is my..fa-father?" I said. She nod and I cried more. All this time I thought my father is a jerk who left us. But he really didn't.

"Mom I have to take some time alone." I said standing up. She nod and I went out of the room. I slid my back down at the door and hug my knees. His can she not tell me?

But how about the right time? I think the right time is now. They have to see each other again.

I have to find my dad!


"Drake James Good where have you been?" My dad Dean Ambrose shout at me.

"None of your bussines old fart!" I snap at him.

"I'm your father so show some respect." He said angrily.

"Since my mom died I never had a father. Coz' his the fucking reason why my mother died." I said not thinking about what I'm even saying.

I walk up my room and smack the door shut. I hate him. His never been my father. I hear a knock in the door. It must be him as always.

I stomp to the door and open it facing my dad.

"Drake can you please just hear me out. Your mom died because of cancer..." He start his always line but I cut him off this time.

"I know! I know she died because of cancer but she also died because of pain and sadness coz' she always said that you still love that AJ. That she was never in your heart and you never love her. Coz' she's still the one,right? AJ is still the one on your fucking heart. GET LOST! I WISH YOU TO DIE!" And I slam the door shut.


He slam the door shut after saying those hurtful words. I guess his right,I need to get lost.

What do you think Dean will do? And can Dianna find him?

I don't know! Hahaha... Just kidding. Of course I know coz' I'm the writer here.
So I wish you like it and next update will be next weekends!

Bye guys!

TOGETHER FOREVER?//Sequel to 'I LOVE MY ENEMY!'Where stories live. Discover now