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Me,my mom,and her friends are here at Pizza Hut. They are talking about stuff and stuff that I don't know. Well I'm not really paying attention on their conversation. I'm thinking about Drake.

His handsome face,and smile. God,good thing i didn't melt back there. Or else I'll embarrassed myself and he'll be seeing a 'puddle of Dianna'.

"Dianna! Hunny!" My mom said. I look at her and raised my eyebrow at her. "Well I know you want to meet your father but I think this is not the right time." She said. What!? Why? I've been dying to meet him and she will said its not the right fucking time!

"Why!? Mom tell me your kidding,right?" I said. She shook her head no. "No! I've been waiting and dying to meet him but you'll not let me! First you lie to me by not saying who's my father and what kind of career you have back then and now your not gonna help me reunite with my dad. What about you!? Do you don't love him anymore?" I said through gritted teeth. I know its wrong to be mad at elders but I can't help myself.

I just can't believe she's saying that. She should be the one to help me to reunite with my father not to kept us apart. Ugh! How could she!?

"Hunny its just,I'm thinking and looking for the right time. I don't ev--.." She start talking but I cut her off.

"I DON'T NEED THE FUCKING RIGHT TIME TO MEET MY FATHER!" I shout that brought attention to us but I don't care. Ms.Paige,Brie,and Nikki look around and look at me.

"Dianna,listen to your mom." Mrs.Brie said.

"No! You don't understand me." I said standing up already.

"Darling,we understand you." Mrs.Nikki said.

"No! I just want to meet and be with my dad and your not gonna let me. You all don't understand!" And then I ran away.

I hear them calling name telling me to come back. But I didn't give a fuck.

How could she!?


God! What have I done?

What have you done? Well you just make your daughter mad at you.

My conscious answered me. I didn't know what came into me. Me and the girls just start to bring up what I'm gonna do to Dean's and Dianna's fathership. (A/N:I know 'fathership is not a word. But hey just get along with my weirdness!) I think about it and I don't really know what came into me that made me think about that.

When I look at a no pay attention to conversation Dianna,I just suddenly blurt it out.

She's right. I should be the one helping her to reunite with him but hey I decide to kept them apart. Wow AJ! Your so smart. Put sarcasm in there.

She ran away and I don't know where she is now. We've been looking around the mall where we found the stall of Pizza Hut. We couldn't find her anywhere.

"God where is she!? I'm getting worried now." I said and the girls look at my worried face.

"Don't worry AJ. We'll find her. I know she's fine." Paige said.

"How can you say she's fine!?" I said looking around.

"I don't know,I just feel it." Paige answered and Nikki playfully punch her on the side.

This girls,can't be serious for a minute. Brie scolded least Brie's can be serious.

"How 'bout we split? It will make our search for 'the lost daughter of AJ Lee' faster." Nikki said. That's a good idea.

"Yeah. That's a good one there Nikki." I said. We split up and we began the search.

I wish we could find her.

Hey people of Wattpad! I update so let's throw a party! Yay!

What'd you think?

Do you think AJ's decision is right? Will they find Dianna? When will Niall Horan stop loving food? And why am I asking you these questions?


I love you all my 2nd family! Mwuah!

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