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I'm walking at the halls to the canteen. Our break time has the same break time with Drake's so will be having lunch together.

I saw LJ talking to Michelle,the queen bitch! I then remember how he act so weird today. His never like that before,honestly. Even if he bicker a lot he never ever get mad or upset of me. He just takes it as a joke even if I look like my nerves are gonna pump out already.

I shook the thought of him as I saw him looking at me. Well he saw me looking at him. He rolled his eyes at me and walk away with queen b. What's his problem with me? Did I did something wrong? And why do I even care!?

I just continue my journey to the canteen and when I reached it,I looked for Drake. I saw him at one of the seats. He saw me and wave at me. I went to him smiling like an idiot.

I sat down on a chair across him. "Hey babe! What you want for lunch?" I asked.

"No. What do you want for lunch? My treat babe." He said. I giggle at him.

"No need too. I can buy food for my own." I said. I just don't want anyone treating me for something. It makes me feel...useless!

"I insist. So let your ass stay still there coz' I'm treating you." Then he walk away and went to the counter. I shook my head smiling and picking my phone on my back pocket.

I went over tweeter and saw I gained a lots of followers. It was an ant but now its a gigantic elephant! How'd this happen? Oh right,they know I'm the daughter of AJ Lee. I saw one tweet.

Mikaella Rodriguez @Mika_Ella

@Dianna_WWE hey Dianna! I'm a massive fan of your mom so can you please tell her how much I love her. I'll really appreciate it.

Dianna Mendez @Dianna_WWE

@Mika_Ella sure hun! I'll love too...tnx for the support on my mom! xox!

After I tweeted her back,I put my phone back on my pocket. I look up to saw Drake with LJ. They look like fighting but I'm not quite sure coz' I can't make out the words they're saying.

When suddenly LJ push the tray Drake is holding that made all of it fell on him. I saw Drake gasped and start attacking LJ with massive punches. I quickly got in action.

I ran to them and quickly try to pull Drake off LJ. It was hard to pull him off since he was seriously wanna pinch him. But I pulled him off LJ anyways.

He tried to get on him again but I block him. "Hey hey stop! Stop the fuck up." I yelled. "Why the hell are you two fighting?" I yelled again.

"Him! That psychotic boy! He just suddenly block my way then start saying stupid stuff like 'leave Dianna alone'." Drake answered.

What!? Why would LJ said that? Is this why his acting weird? He doesn't want me and Drake together. But why? What's his reason.

"LJ,why would you say that? And who are you to say that?" I said loo,king at him.

He chuckle with out any sense of humor. BTW his still on the floor,nose bleeding because of the punches he received from Drake,and every each of human being here is watching us.
"I thought you were smart Dianna but how stupid you are not to get it." He said. I wanna slap him by saying i'm stupid but I stop myself. I'll...I'll let him explain. "Don't you get it? I still and never stop loving you! Yeah you heard right,I still love you. But hey,you never give me a chance and now your with him." Then he point at Drake and continue. "With the one you only fucking met! But I guess I ah no chance on you. You don't want me. You don't want a bastard jerk like me!" Then he stood up and walk away.

I was frozen,frozen because of what he said. I...I can't believed it!

What do you guys think?

So I'm so lazy to write a long A/

Bye and I love you all!

*LJ is based on my classmate Lloyd Joshua. His cute but not my type. Were like an enemies. But I have a frenemies named Mark Raymond V. Guinto..*

TOGETHER FOREVER?//Sequel to 'I LOVE MY ENEMY!'Where stories live. Discover now