Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
(Blake POV)

I paced back and forth waiting for the doctors to finish their test.
"Mom will she be alright?" I asked leaning against the wall as she nodded, the doctors are doing a test on Angel now, they've already given her an x-ray.
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith," Angels mom and dad stood going to the doctor who quietly discussed what was going on I watched Angels mom seeing that she her red puffy eyes and slightly red nose meaning she's been crying.
"Can we see her?" She asked he stepped out the way with a nod we all piled into Angels room smiling at her pouting face.
"Mom I want to go home," she complained while looking at the cords coming out her hospital gown I sat at the end of the bed as her mom kissed her forehead, Angel's obviously worn out.
"I know, but you have to stay for a day or two," she sighed and turned over curling up while wiping her eyes.
"Don't worry pumpkin I'll have you out of here in no time," her father stated while running his hand through her hair as she nodded. He left out with Angel's mom following close behind him. I moved up the bed pulling her close to me as she sniffled and curled into my chest.
"Don't cry Angel," I say softly as she shook in my arms.
"I just want to go home," she cried I sighed and lifted her onto my lap trying carefully not to pull any cords.
"I know, but right now you'll be here and I'll stay with you, look I even brought your bear," I say holding him up for her she smiled through her tears while taking him out my arms and pulling him to her chest. I had to run back into the house to grab him before riding to the hospital I knew she would want him when she woke.
"Thank you," she muttered softly while my mom briefed me of what happened. I frowned as she mentioned the words heart attack, making me look over, she shook her head telling me we would discuss it later.
"And you're feeling better right?" I asked her she nodded with her eyes shut I ran my hand through her curls.
"I feel much better, my chest doesn't hurt anymore either," she yawned while stretching out and moving closer to me I leaned us back so she could rest, she sighed and thanked me again while she quietly fell asleep.
"Is it getting worse?" I ask my mom once I knew Angel was completely asleep she shook her head.
"No, her body is under a lot of stress with her recent sicknesses, the fever didn't help her too much, but they're doing another rounds of steroids for her and then we'll get her back home to the clinic or we'll set up the room at her house which I'm sure she'll prefer,"
"You think she'll be better by the fair?" I know Angels looking forward to the fair and she worked her ass off doing the project and helping the amputee. If I have to carry her there I'll do it.
"I'm not really sure, its up to Angels body if she's going or not, if she has enough energy to go then she can if not we'll find another way, it's the same for her training, she'll need to take it easy for a few days, but she should be fine," I nodded still not understanding how she had a heart attack. She's so young but she has so many health problems.
"If she shifts or if her wolf gene becomes dominant, will this change?" I know it's a long shot with her wolf coming into play especially since she's way older that the normal age.
"It would help having an extra boost, but even if she did shift it takes a while for her system to switch over, when you were younger it was a slow process you couldn't shift but your wolf was present you had the immunity of a human just slightly stronger and as you grew your system grew too which meant your wolf was getting stronger until you eventually shifted, after a certain age your body can't handle that much change. Now with Angel we have no clue what happened to her while she was gone or what was done to her through those years, so the likely hood of that happening is very small, but if we were to take her off all her medicine she may or may not be able to shift, but we can't take the risk of her being off her meds as it could cause more harm to her than good. My opinion is give it a few more months or possibly another year or two, we're already lowering her doses each month and keeping a close eye on her so far she's been doing good except for the sickness the last few weeks and of course today," I still don't get how this happened so suddenly she was fine other than her attitude, she was fine health wise for most of the day, the fever was sudden and unexpected and that doesn't happen to normal people.
"Don't worry too much Blake, I'll set her up a portable heart monitor for a few days, she'll wear it twenty-four hours a day and I'll check her everyday," I'm sure Angel won't like this. My mom stood up and kissed my forehead before leaving out as Angel shifted in my arms and moved into my neck I kicked my shoes off the bed and slid under the covers making she was she comfortable before I placed my head on the pillow listening quietly to the sound of the monitors beeping.
I had to hand over my work to my father yesterday after everything that happened. I needed to be here with Angel and I know I can't neglect the pack, but Angel needs me more right now, plus my dad is still in charge, but I've been getting updates on everything, so far everything is good, we did another interrogation which went better than expected we have one location that we've sent people to about an hour ago, Thomas had volunteered and went with them along with a few of his own people. Hopefully this is the lead that we want and need to end this.
"Blake," I looked down seeing Angel rubbing her eyes tiredly and staring at me as if checking to see if I was still here.
"I'm here and I'm staying until you leave so get some rest," She turned back into my chest falling asleep again while holding onto my shirt rather tightly I sighed and gently pried her fingers away while shaking my head. We still have to work on his trust thing if seems like we take one step forward and then two steps back.
"How is she?" Ashley asked walking in and sitting down on the opposite side of the bed as I shrugged still running my hand through her hair.
"Better, my mom is putting her on a heart monitor for a few days and she's doing the steroids," I explain she nodded and looked over at Angel with that distant look.
"She hates the monitor and her brother is here to see her, the youngest boy Jesse," She stated looking over her shoulder I looked also seeing a dark haired guy with the same emerald eyes as Angel. He had on a leather jacket with a motorcycle helmet in his hand.
"How is she?" He directed his question to Ashley who stood up giving him a brief hug.
"Better, she's back on her monitor and steroids for the time being," He nodded and sat down looking over at Angel. I could tell he wanted to spend sometime with her. I slowly slid out the bed placing the bear in her arms.
"I'm going to the cafeteria I'll be back soon," I say leaving out I could see Angel turning to the side reaching out for the pillow. I smiled as she pulled it to her chest with a sigh. I closed the door behind me and made my way down to the cafeteria. I shouldn't be too long I'm just going to pick up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Angel along with some milk and apple Juice I'm sure she'll be hungry once she wakes up again.

(Angel POV)
I smiled and placed my head on Jesse shoulder as I ate my peanut butter and Jelly sandwich that Blake was so kind to bring me.
"I missed you a lot," I stated he laughed gently and kissed the top of my head. This is Jesse my youngest older brother, he doesn't talk much and he sort of reminds me of TJ, but way cooler and more handsomer plus he has an awesome Kawasaki that he lets me sit on and sometimes he'll let me ride with him.
"I know, but who told you to get a mate," He grumbled looking over at Blake who was outside my room talking with Jace. I shrugged and pouted at him.
"No one, but he found me and he feeds me, he even got me a big ring," I say showing him my hand as he groaned and grumbled under his breath.
"What have I told you about agreeing to things just because it involves food and shiny things," he scowled I looked down, he did mention that before he went away.
"Not to" I pouted before looking back up, "but he's nice and mom says food is a great start," I explain only to have him rub his temple in frustration while muttering something about mom not having the sense she was born with. I puckered my lips.
"Moms not going to like that and neither is dad, but James said its fine because he's my mate and Ashley likes Blake, don't you?" I directed my attention to Ashley who was chewing on her sandwich.
"Sure, he takes care of her, nothing to protest about yet," she said I nodded in agreement with a smile but Jesse still didn't seem to like it.
"I'll accept it for now, but I'm going to have a talk with him," He growled while placing me on his lap I shrugged not really caring Blake won't do anything and Jesse won't either.
"Oh and I have friends now," I say proudly making him smile and kiss my cheek.
"Of course you do, everyone loves you and if they don't something is seriously wrong with them, you're a perfect angel," I giggled as he blew on my neck I like having Jesse back, he's always such a bright color almost white, he shines so brightly all the time. Out of all of our family he has the best color.
"And I heard my little genius is in the science fair," his smile widen
"Yup made prosthetic arm and legs, we connect them to the nerves and they're able to use it as if its their own leg and arm, its take a little practice but it works great," I squirm on his lap and turn around so that I'm facing him.
"I'm sure it'll blow everyone mind," I giggled again and hugged him while moving into his neck happily.
"You have to visit me more, I get lonely sometimes too," I say he chuckled and rubbed my back.
"I'm sorry, recently we've been getting a lot of work at the office, but I'm taking the summer off just to hang out with my princess," That sounds awesome
"We'll ride your motorcycle and we'll go all over the mountains and camp out," he agreed and told me he already had plans for our camping trip and he's going to get a bike for us so we can get everywhere faster.
"And if you want we can go to Disney world," I gasped Disney World!!
"That'll be awesome!!"I exclaimed getting super excited and ignoring the monitor, which is beeping rather loudly again. Ashley looked up from the TV.
"Calm down Angel and Jesse don't get her too excited," I pouted as Jesse rolled his eyes but kissed my nose.
"Anyway I'll send you a itinerary and everything," I nodded I can plan too I like planning.
"Okay and I'll plan every hour I'll include breaks and food," He laughed and poked my belly making me frown and swat his hand away.
"Stop thinking about your belly, but I have to get my bags unpacked so I'm going back to the house and then I'm coming back," I sighed not wanting him to leave especially since he just came and I've only been with him for an hour.
"Don't worry I'll be back for my princess," he kissed my nose and put me back in the bed while handing over my teddy bear, he said I'm not allowed to cuddle with anything while I'm cuddling with him so bear has to sit on the side sometimes.
"Okay, but you promise," I muttered softly while looking up at him, he nodded and ruffled my head.
"I would never lie to you," I guess that's true Jesse never once lied to me and he never made a promise he couldn't keep, none of my siblings did.
"Bye and tell Brody not to touch anything in my room," I say I know Brody's going through my stuff he likes to take pictures of me out my room to add to his collection. Jesse winked and grabbed his leather jacket and helmet I watched him frown at Blake as he walked pass, making Blake shake his head.
"Ashley when can I go home?" I ask her as she climbed in next to me I placed my head on her lap feeling tired already even though I just woke up.
"Soon maybe tomorrow morning, but you have a round of steroids to complete and they want to monitor you some more," I sighed and held my chest feeling my heart beat.
"Ashley, I'm not going to die am I?" This isn't the first time this has happened and mom and dad always tell me I'm going to be fine, but sometimes mom looks really sad as if I were dying and I don't want to right now.
"No, no one is going to die don't worry about dying, plus I won't let you die," She said leaning over me and kissing my forehead as I nodded.
"But the doctor said my heart is weak," I heard him say that when I was waking up but he stopped talking once he saw me and that's when mom had that look.
"You're fine, you do have a few medical problems, but nothing too serious and you're getting better," she explained I nodded not really sure if she was telling me the truth or not, but Ashley doesn't lie to me either.
"Okay, I don't want to die," I mumbled getting a sigh I really hope everything fine, I know I'm not in the best shape, but I've been working on it and taking my vitamins everyday just like Ms. Michele said too.
"You won't I promise," I turned into her stomach trying to ignore all of these cords attached to me, but its kind of hard especially with all the beeping from the machine.
"I brought some movies for you," I shook my head not wanting to watch anything.
"I just want to go home," I reach out and wrap my arms around her waist I really want to go home, everything is bad here and the energy feels just like the other place.
"I know Angel," She rubbed my back and placed a cover over me as I tried hard not to cry, but that never works out for me.

(Blake POV)
I chuckled as Angels nose crinkled up a bit before she moved and opened her eyes with her stomach growling.
"Food," she mumbled staring at the plate in my hand I nodded I just got her pancakes, eggs and sausages from her father.
"Yum," she sat up letting me untangle her cords and move her heart monitor box closer to her.
"Is Jesse still here?" she asked with that look of hope I nodded and kissed her forehead as she began to eat.
"Yeah he's downstairs sleeping, he was at the pack house helping out earlier," I explain she's been asleep most of the day in fact this is the first time she's woken up since we've moved her from the hospital, they transported her via ambulance to the house, then we carried her the rest of the way making sure we didn't disconnect any of her IV's or cords.
"Oh okay," she yawned while putting more pancakes in her mouth until it was full. I shook my head watching her chew slowly with her eyes fluttering shut. I moved the plate away and placed her on my lap.
"Angel swallow your food first," I say she nodded and swallowed slowly as she stared to snore again. I'm sure this is the medicine, my mom gave her something else along with the steroids but its been keeping her asleep for a while now. I shifted her off my lap and lay her gently in the bed while placing the covers over her, I put her teddy bear in her arms before grabbing my cell phone.
"Man she's asleep," I looked up seeing Jace leaning against the door frame with a bruise under his eye I raised my eyebrow as he shrugged.
"How is she?" he asked stepping in and sitting down at the desk chair.
"Better, what happened to your face?" I asked shaking my head at him as he grinned.
"Nothing I marked my mate and she punched me," He chuckled while I stared at him a little shocked.
"When the hell did you find your mate?" he shrugged again while pointing to Angel.
"That friend of hers, that's why I canceled the date on Christmas Eve, but she's kind of awesome and hot," I looked at his black eye he kept grinning like a fool.
"What, she was dancing with a dude and then my wolf went crazy I kind of lost it and pulled her out the club marking her in the alley, she totally punched me afterwards," I laughed at his dreamy expression I hope I don't look like that when I'm with Angel he looks like a complete idiot.
"She thinks I'm a freak but I'm going to explain it to her later, as of now she's at my place, anyway is she going to recover soon?" He questioned looking over at Angel who snuggled into my side while clenching onto the bottom of my shirt with a pout. I can tell she's going to wake up again.
"Yeah, she's going to be fine she'll be like this for a few days, but soon she'll be back on her two feet," I explain smiling as Angel rubbed her eyes and stared at me before looking at Jace with a soft smile.
"Oh you found her that's nice you have an extra string like everyone else now," She muttered moving on top me with a soft sigh, she squirmed around until her head was on my shoulder.
"Is she super nice?" Angel asked with a small pout Jace looked at her as if she had three heads.
"Your mate, Is she nice and can I be friends with her?" She asked again I laugh of course she wants to be friends with her.
"You're already her friend," Her face scrunched up in confusion she looked at me as if asking me to explain it to her.
"Ashley has Thomas," she stated frowning at Jace now, he laughed and shook his head telling her no.
"Not Ashley, Stephanie," Jace said making Angel gasp, her monitor beeped as she grew excited I sighed and told Jace to get out before she had another heart attack.
"That's great, that means she can come over and I have to call her," she stated leaning over me to get her phone. I let her text her heart out.
"Jace is a butthole please help me I've been kidnapped by a crazy person," She read slowly with her eyes wide she turned to me in shock.
"Jace is a kidnapper Blake!!" She exclaimed while waving her phone in my face, she crawled out the bed while I contacted Jace giving him an order to let Stephanie out of his house. I'm sure he has her locked in there in fact I wouldn't be surprised, I would have locked Angel away if she wasn't so damn manipulative and for the fact that I know that everyone she meets thinks she's a kid, so I see no potential male threats other than Loki, but he knows his place.
"We have to save her," she grabbed her IV pole and took it with her to the closet I stood up chuckling as she pulled out a all black outfit and a black winter ski mask.
"Angel, Jace is going to get her now," her shoulder slumped as if she was disappointed.
"But I have this awesome outfit I would finally get to use my ski mask," She muttered holding up her clothes I looked at my watch and then her IV seeing that it was finished. I lifted her up and placed her on the bed before extending her arm out.
"Fine, we'll do this once," I stated getting a squeal as I slowly unscrewed her IV tube the way my mom showed me. I grabbed the medical tape and taped the tube against her skin. Once I was done she jumped out the bed and ran into the closet most likely getting changed. I was going to ask her about the ski mask, but I really don't want to know the answer.
"Hand me my laptop," she said emerging from the closet in her gear, which looked so cute on her. She had on semi baggy multi-pocket pants with a utility belt along with a Black thermal shirt, with black marks on her cheek, her ski mask was sitting on top of curls and I'm she'll ask me to braid that up for her.
"There I'll get her location using her GPS on her phone then we'll drive up there," she stated smiling I didn't have the heart to ruin her fun and tell her exactly where Jace's house was, who am I to ruin her mood especially since she's excited for this. She turned and sat in front of me while handing me a hair tie. I reached over her and took the brush of the nightstand.
"Now," I chuckled at the look of concentration on her face as her fingers glided quickly over the keyboard before green numbers popped up on the screen.
"Got it, this is the coordinates, we can put it into your GPS and look Jace is nowhere near it, so we should be clear for a good two hours according to my calculations," I kissed the top of her head.
"You're a cute nerd," I say smiling as her face turned pink. I finished her braid and tied the bottom off for her.
"You have to wear black and I'll be waiting in the car," She skipped out the room with her laptop and bag on her back. I'm sure the pack members are questioning her sanity and the fate of the pack once I take over and I'm sure if I weren't here they would be freaking out right now, but I'm positive Angel will make a great Luna she's a little immature, but she has a good heart and she's a very genuine person which is what this pack is currently lacking. I sighed and went into her closet grabbing my black shirt. I pulled it over my head before leaving out.
"Blake don't get her into trouble," Angel's mom scowled looking up as me as I walked down the stairs.
"I'm not, this is for her entertainment and she needs to get out the house," I explain side stepping her as she seemed to give me that same evil look that Angel occasionally gets when I wake her up or take her food away.
"Be careful she just got out the hospital she doesn't need to go back in," she stated before walking away I let out a breath and went outside to my truck where Angel was bundled up and under the cover with a soft smile.
"You should have started the truck," she shrugged at least she's in her snow suit which should keep her warm.
"You told me not to start your car when you aren't here, but I put the gps on, so follow her," she stated. I started my truck up and pulled off. I'm sure Jace isn't home yet nor would he be in the next few hours.

(Angels POV)

I cut the light on to my head lamp and walked to the back window with Blake close behind.
"Angel he has an alarm and the doors are locked," Blake pointed out I rolled my eyes I already turned his alarm off now I have to get the window open. I texted Stephanie and told her to get ready.
"I've got this," I tell him while jimmying the lock with my tools I heard a faint click making me squeal in delight as I lifted the window up I looked to Blake asking him politely to give me a lift he let out a sigh and gently lifted me into the window I landed on my feet and looked around.
"I think she's in the room, Blake you have to be the look out," I say kissing his cheek before running off to the back rooms. Jace has a one flood cabin like house, it has three bedrooms and a two bathroom.
"Stephanie," I called out running to the first door I peeked frowning at the emptiness before going to the next door.
"Stephanie!!" I exclaimed seeing her handcuffed to the bed post with a plate of food in front of her.
"Angel thank god," I went in and picked the handcuffs off of her getting big hug in return.
"Come on we have to leave before he gets back," I say pulling her with me through the door and down the hall to the window where Blake was waiting. I let her go first before Blake lifted me out the window. I closed it back and latched it while pulling out my phone and turning the alarm back on.
"Cars over there," I say pointing while staring at Stephanie with my head tilted to the side. Her face was covered in running makeup like she's been crying and her energy isn't as bright as before. I frowned I'm going to hurt Jace, he didn't have to take her against her will and he's going to apologize.
"You can stay at my house," I'm sure Jace wants to talk to her and I'm not sure if you're allowed to leave your mate. I should ask Blake later.
"Thank you Angel," She mumbled softly while kissing my forehead as I giggled and hugged her.
"It was an awesome adventure, but Jace is nice but he's mean and inconsiderate other times," I remember when he scared me on purpose I didn't find it funny and I still don't find that funny, but at other times he was super nice to me.
"I'm sure Jace needs to explain something's to you," Blake said looking at her through the mirror I turned around seeing that she was drained.
"You can sleep and we'll get you some ice for your wrist when we get to my house," she thanked me again, she seemed a little out of her head right now. I looked at Blake hoping he would help, but he kept his eyes on the road.


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