Chapter 13- Is She Gonna Die

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A/N: I wasn't planning on typing another chapter today, but you guys were begging for another one so, lucky you guys!!

-Jenn's POV-

Jack: "With who...?"

Me: "With you, silly!!" (A/N: Didn't see that one coming, did ya?)

Jack: "OHH!! You scared the hell outta me when you said you were in a relationship."

Me: "Yeah, I'm like that." I gave him a big bear hug. He hugged back, and he gives the best hugs.

Jack: "So we're back together then?"

Me: "Yeah, you dumb a*s!!" I hit his shoulder playfully.

Jack: "Aye, when you'd get so sassy?" We both laughed like it was nothing.

Me: "I missed your big hugs." I smiled.

Jack: "You know what? Me too. Now c'mon, let's go get some McDonald's, I'm hungry."

Me: "Kk."

We left in his car and drove off. We blasted the music and listened to the Midnight Memories album, by One Direction of course, and sung so loudly, that the lady driving her car next to us, ended up flipping us off.

Me: "Look!! Getting flipped off while blasting music and singing to One Direction. Relationship goals."

Jack: "HAHA!! Yeah TOTALLLLYY!!!"

-Jack's POV-

Jenn and I went through the drive through, because obviously, we didn't wanna get our lazy a*ses up to go inside.

Me: "Hi, I'll have two 10 piece chicken nugget meals with two large Cokes and ranch for the sauce please. "

Lady: "Ok, that'll be $10.41 at the window please."

Me: "Ok, thank you."


Me and Jenn sat at the table eating our freaking delicious chicken nuggets. UGH THEY WERE SO GOOD!! I got a phone call and answered it, not even looking at the Caller ID.

Me: "Hello?"

AlexaLosey: "Hi Jack, it's Alexa. Wanna go out with me tomorrow night?"

Me: "Oh f*ck no. Sorry Alexa, me and Jenn are together. I will not cheat on her again."

AlexaLosey: "Well then. I guess I'll have to come over and make you."

Me: "Ale-"

Before I could finish, she ended.

Jenn: "Who was it?"

Me: "Alexa, she's asking me to go out with her tomorrow night."

Jenn: "Are you?"

Me: "No, of course not. But she said she's gonna come over and make me, so we gotta be prepared."

Jenn: "Okay, let's stand by the door." I nodded in agreement, and in less then three minutes, there was a knock at the door.

-Jenn's POV-

I opened the door to be facing Alexa. Me and Jack looked at each other, and back at her.

Me: "What do you want Alexa?"

Jack: "Yeah seriously, you can't make me go out with you."

Alexa: "Oh really. What if I bring out my gun." She took a gun out of her pocket.

Me: "Are you serious? A gun?"

Alexa: "Yep, and I'll shoot you if you don't say 'Jack, I'm breaking up with you, go out with Alexa.'"

Me: "No. And you know what? Shoot me. I'm a lost cause anyways." I spread out my legs and my arms, waiting for her to shoot me.


Alexa: "Nope, goodbye Jenn."

Next thing I know, I heard a gun shot, and black out.

-Jack's POV-

Oh my god. Alexa just shot Jenn.

Me: "OH MY F*CKING GOD!!!!!!!!! ALEXA! YOU MOTHER F*CKING B*TCH!!" I started to cry.

Alexa: "Bye b*tch."

She ran off . A few minutes later, I heard sirens. A neighbor must've called. I saw cop cars and ambulances surrounding my house, and blocking off the roads. I saw all the neighbors coming out of their houses and standing by their doors, staring. A cop came up to me and pulled me over to the side for questions while the ambulance people (A/N: I dunno what the ambulance people are called) took Jenn to the hospital.


Ambulance Person: "I don't know, but please stay away."

Cop: "Listen, I gotta ask you some questions."

Me: "Whatever, hurry up. I need to be at the hospital."

Cop: "Were you the one who shot her?"


Cop: "Sir, calm down. Who shot her?"

Me: "One of our friends. Her name is Alexa Losey. She said she'd shoot Jenn if I didn't go out with her."

Cop: "So that's your girlfriend's name? Jenn?"

Me: "Yes, Jennifer Ann McAllister. But she goes by Jenn."

Cop: "Okay, describe Alexa please."

Me: "Long brown hair, pale to tannish skin, just a bit shorter than me.. and that's all."

Cop: "Okay, thank you. You can go to the hospital now."

Me: "Thank you."

I rushed to the hospital as fast as I can. I know the roads were closed, but they let me go since I was there when this all happened. I got there and ran through the doors going straight to the counter.


Counter Lady: "Are you a family member?"

Me: "No."

Counter Lady: "Sorry, we need family members only."

Me: "She doesn't have family here. Her family is in a whole different state on the other side of the country. I'm her boyfriend. Please let me go see her."

Counter Lady: "Room 307, 3rd floor. But be careful."

Me: "Okay thank you." I rushed to her room and there were about 3 doctors in there.

Doctor 1: "Hello. Here for Jenn?"

Me: "Yes. May I see her?"

Doctor 1: "Yes you may."

Doctor 2: "Be careful."

Me: "Yeah, I know." She looked so pale.

Doctor 2: "The shot was pretty bad. She got shot in the top left of her chest."

Me: "Is she gonna die?"

Another cliff hanger. I know, I hate cliff hangers too, sorry. I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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Instagram: , , @_.mynameisylvia._

Twitter: @jennmcallister4 , @chatkowski , @jennxsylvia

Other stories by me: "Interrupted//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" and "Broken, Beyond Repair//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" @mynameissylvia

Later cuties❤️!

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