Chapter 16- Not Good Enough

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-Jack's POV-

Me: "Why?"

Jenn: "I- I'm sorry."

Me: "Jenn..."

Jenn: "I had to."  She cried and sat on the bed with her head buried in her hands.

Me: "Look at me." I took her hands off her face as she looked up with red and puffy eyes.

Jenn: "I'm not good enough."

Me: "Your way more than good enough. Your making both of our lives harder each time you do this. Stop. Please."

Jenn: "I can't. I'm a stupid piece of sh*t."

Me: "Your not. Your perfect. We all look at you differently then you look at yourself. You just don't realize it. If you were friends with yourself, you'd be happy. And you should be happy and proud of yourself. Jenn, your everything. You are so full of joy and happiness, but you just don't show it enough to believe it. I'm here for you. I'm here to protect you."

Jenn: "Thanks. I appreciate it. I love you.." She whispers, looking down.

Me: "Look up at me, Jenn. I love you too, but listen. We all care about you. Please don't do this ever again. Promise me for reals."

Jenn: "I promise. I'm sorry."

Me: "Okay. Give me a hug." We hugged, and I gave her a quick peck on the lips. We both stood up together. I got a phone call.

Unknown Caller: "Hello?"

Me: "Hi. Who is this?"

Unknown Caller: "The Movers. Were here to tell you that your house is ready and you can live in it now."

Me: "Oh, that's great news. Thank you."

Unknown Caller: "No problemo. Bye!"

Me: "Bye!"

Jenn: "Who was it?"

Me: "The Movers."

Jenn: "Oh... That's great."

Me: "Something wrong?"

Jenn: "No. You should probably go. Enjoy some of your new place for a while."

Me: "No, Jenn. Something's wrong."

Jenn: "*sigh*. Nothing."

Me: "Jennnn?" I stood there staring at her and spoke again. "You wanna move in with me?"

Jenn: "Huh?"

Me: "Is that a no?"

Jenn: "No, it's a yes!! Why would I say no?! That just made my day." She ran up to me and jumped on my back.

Me: "Yaayyy!! Why were you upset though?"

Jenn: "Forget it. I'm happier now."  We both smiled at each other and ran downstairs.

-Jenn's POV-

Woo!!! I'm moving in with Jack!!! How exciting is this?! I can't believe it, this is amazing. Anyways, Jack and I went out to CheeseCake Factory to celebrate. We actually ran downstairs, I got off Jack's back, we looked at each other, and ran to the car.

Me: "Were going to CheeseCake Factory right?"

Jack: "Where else?" We both laughed.

When we got there, we ordered our usual. It was amazing food. Like, I was stuffed. Me and Jack both left an hour afterwards, and headed home. On the way back, I called the movers, and they were gonna come in tomorrow to move me in with Jack. I was super excited. I'm finally living with the love of my lifeee!!! So, once we got home, we just screamed and hugged each other tightly. It was one of the best hugs I have had in a while. We went to bed, early, again, cause we were just too excited for tomorrow.


I woke up with half of my body off of the bed, and Jack was basically spread out taking the whole bed up. It was 7:31am and the movers were gonna be here at 10 this morning. So I woke Jack up and we ran  downstairs to get breakfast.

Me: "Pancakes?"

Jack: "Pancakes."

Me: "Want me to make them?"

Jack: "Unless you want burnt pancakes." We both laughed and I made them with syrup, blueberries, strawberries, and powdered sugar. They were good.

Me: "They good?"

Jack: "Incredible."

Me: "Thanks."

Apparently we ended up talking for a couple hours after we ate, because we heard a knock at the door.

Jack: "I'll get it."

Me: "K."

Mover: "Hello. We'll be moving some stuff into another place today, right?"

Jack: "Yep."

Mover: "Okay, let's get it goin."

-Jack's Place and Jack's POV-

We spent the whole day moving. I was exhausted, but I could tell Jenn was literally about to pass out. The moving process ended at around 3pm, and I just plopped on my couch while Jenn was upstairs unboxing some of her clothes. Until I heard a knock at the door.

Cliff hanger. I love making you guys nervous. Have any of you seen Jack's new video that was up today?! He came out as gay!! SO PROUD!!! But I honestly thought JackXPenn would be real someday, oh well. Lemme know if you guys want me to keep writing this since JackXPenn is definetly a never.  Don't be sad JXP shippers, we'll get through this together!! I cried through his new video, so go watch it if you haven't already!! This was kinda a filler chapter so sorry bout that. I hope you liked it anyways!

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Instagram: , , @_.mynameisylvia._

Twitter: @jennmcallister4 , @chatkowski , @jennxsylvia

Other stories by me: "Interrupted//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" and "Broken, Beyond Repair//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" @mynameissylvia

Later cuties❤️!

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