Chapter 20- Do You Trust Me

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-Jenn's POV-

This guy's face was in total shock. He started to cry. I was trying so hard to remember him. I remember an earthquake happening. I remember my best friends; Andrea, Lauren, Rebecca, Anthony, and Andrew. Why don't I remember this person? I look down, noticing a ring on my finger. I'm engaged... But with who? This is horrible. Wait, this guy's name.. It's Jack, right? Oh yeah, he just said that.

Jack: "What? Jenn, stop playing games with me. For reals."

Me: "I'm not. I really don't know who you are."

Jack: "Well... Your coming home with me tomorrow. You live with me. We're getting married next year."

Me: "Your the one I'm engaged to?"

Jack: "Yes...."

Me: "Oh. Well, okay... I'm trying so hard to remember you. There's just something about you. I trust you."

Jack: "Okay, that's good news I guess. I'll see you tomorrow then. Later.."

-Jack's POV-

I couldn't believe it. Jenn didn't remember me. We're getting married and she doesn't remember me. I drove home crying. Why me? I just can't even. I'm gonna take Jenn to a cliff. DON'T WORRY, I'M NOT GONNA HURT HER. It's a place where I go when I have no where else to go. It has the whole LA view, and you could see everything. I haven't been there for a while; cause I never had to since I was with Jenn. I don't think it's gonna look that great since the earthquake just hit us though. I wonder how she'll handle it.


I got up to go get Jenn. I was excited to be taking her out of the hospital. I really hope she'll remember me soon. I got there, and went through the hospital doors. Jenn was sitting in a chair on her phone. She looked normal, except she had scar on her face.

Me: "Hey, Jenn. You ready?"

Jenn: "Yes, and I already checked myself out."

Me: "Okay then. I'm gonna take you somewhere. Somewhere you have never been."

Jenn: "How do you know I never been there?"

Me: "Because I know you, Jenn. You might not remember me, but I sure do remember you."

Jenn: "Okay.."

We headed to the car and drove. We got there an hour later, with pure silence. We got out of the car, and sat down under one tree. That one tree was always there. Jenn and I just stared for a couple of minutes. She broke the silence.

Jenn: "Jack. There's just something about you."

Me: "Oh yeah?"

Jenn: "Yeah. Even though I don't remember you, somewhere deep down, I know I do. And this place is amazing."

Me: "Well... That's good. And yes it is... I wanna do something." It started to rain.

Jenn: "Uh, it's raining.. What do you wanna do out here?"

Me: "Do you trust me?"

Jenn: "Yes."

Me: "Then I wanna do this."

-Jenn's POV-

He kissed me. We sat there kissing for less than five seconds. When he let go... I remembered.

Me: "OMG! JACK!! IT'S YOU!! JACK F*CKING BARAN!! I REMEMBER YOU!!" I hugged him as tight as possible, making him fall backwards.

Jack: " god." He hugged back, and I could feels his tears running into my shoulders.

Me: "Please don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry."

Jack: "It's hard not to when you remember who I am."

Me: "Well, just try not to." We both laughed. "Oh, Jack. When's our wedding gonna be?!"

Jack: "Uhhhh... July 16th 2016??"

Me: "Perfect."

I kissed him. We started making out which... It was great. It's like the world just disappeared. I completely forgot it was raining... It was incredible anyways. Just like a good dream. Jack and I layed there in the rain just staring for an hour. Once that time flew, we got up and drove home. We took showers, changed, and went to bed like any other normal people.

What a chapter, huh😂? I'll update tomorrow instead of Friday, cause I gotta get ready for school..😁. My meet the teacher night is tomorrow and I'm freaking out because I want a class with one of my best friends... And we haven't been together since first grade so... Yeaaahh..... The next two chapters will be devastating, but they'll turn out to be fine.. 😂😁. See y'all tomorrow and thanks for over 900 reads❤️❤️! Love all of your guys support💕!! 

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Instagram: , , @_.mynameisylvia._

Twitter: @jennmcallister4 , @chatkowski , @jennxsylvia

Other stories by me: "Interrupted//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" and "Broken, Beyond Repair//A JackXPenn Fanfiction" @mynameissylvia

Later cuties❤️!

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