Twenty-Seven | 二十七

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Twenty Seven

"Sorry, Ma'am, for coming in right before you open up." Coach Ukai apologized with his hands in the pockets of his tracksuit jacket. He offered an apologetic smile to the lady standing before him.

"Don't worry. This used to happen all the time." The kind restaurant owner waved it off with a gentle and loving smile, like they were all her grandchildren. As she walked away, Coach Ukai turned his attention back to the boys, who had their attention all invested on him. They looked up to him with wide innocent eyes, as if waiting for him to tell them what to do next.

"Running, jumping and anything else," He said as he took his seat at the center of the long table. "That stresses your muscles will cause the fibers to tear. Right after a match, like now, your muscles are at your limits," He looked down to the table; various dishes with vibrant colors and mouth-watering smell were laid out before them, ready to tickle their taste buds and fill their empty stomachs. "So you've got to repair them by eating."

"That's how you build muscles," He continued, getting down on his knees to sit crossed legged. "And become stronger. So eat. Eat a proper meal."

Daichii exchanged looks with Sugawara, who nodded at him. They both clapped their hands together and thanked for their food quietly. Soon, everyone by the table followed their captains, clapping their hands together and thanking for the food.

[Name] did the same, sitting next to Kiyoko. She picked up her chopsticks with heavy hands and picked up some rice, slowly moving it to her mouth. She chewed on the warm plain rice, feeling her appetite fade out even more. She forced herself to swallow the food, even though she felt like rejecting it badly.

After all, how can she have the appetite after their loss to Aoba Jousei? She tightened her grips on her chopsticks at the thought of it. Her chest twisted in discontent and she sank her teeth in her lower lips, nearly drawing blood.

It was an awfully close match. So close, that it only made their loss even bitterer. She can still hear Hinata's last quick being blocked by Aoba Jousei, the sound of their loss, ringing in her ears. It's so upsetting, just so upsetting. She tightened her jaw.

Just then, she heard sniffling. She looked up, her lips parting slightly in surprise, her eyes turning glassy at the boys who were silently crying, tears streaming down their faces, as they ate. Even Tsukishima (who wasn't crying) looked disheartened as he chewed on his food slower than usual with his face in a grimace.

Tears blurred her vision as she turned back to look down, her lips trembling at the sadness she was holding in. Tear drops dripped onto her hand as she sobbed silently along with the boys, shoulders shaking slightly.

It's so upsetting.


"I'm heading Shimada-san's place. You can go ahead without me." Yamaguchi said, waving at the tall Middle Blocker and the [Hair Color] manager. The two nodded in agreement and bid him goodbye, telling him to stay safe on his way.

The two walked in silence under lights of the street lamps that tried their best to brighten up the rather dark and gloomy road. They both felt no need to comfort each other in words.

"Wait here." Tsukishima suddenly said, stopping them in their tracks. She blinked at him curiously, wondering what he was up to. He walked into Sakanoshita, which [Name] had finally came to realize, was just before them. Despite leaving her with no explanation, she did as she was told and waited for him. Moments later, he returned to her side, with a brown paper bag in his hands. She raised a brow at the paper bag as he pushed it towards her.

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