Chapter 1

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The picture above is of my oc, and In this story your best friend.

(your pov)

You were zoned out, not listening to the seemingly endless chatter coming from your best friend.

She could go on and on about books for a matter of days, and though you were interested in books, you weren't as completely obsessed with them, like she was.

A hand waving in front of your face dragged you out of your thoughts.

You sat up from where you were sitting, only to meet the bright purple eyes of your best friend, meiko.

"(Your name)! Are you even listening to me!?!" She shouted at you in mock anger.

"Of course I was," you responded "you were going on about a book again"

"Oh really, the what was the name of the book I was telling you about then?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.


She threw one of the millions of anime plushies she had on her bed flying towards your head, as you laughed.

"Now give me back corporal Levi before he kills me for throwing him and making him dirty" she said while trying to hold back giggles.

You handed her, her beloved corporal and got off of the edge of her bed stretching.

"So how are things with you and Hide going?" You asked her, about her strangely always happy boyfriend.

"He's still trying to find Kaneki" she answered back a little sadly.

"It'll be fine!" You told her while picking up your (favorite color) school bag.

"Yeah, I know" she said tiredly while flopping back onto her bed.

"you actually going home today?" She questioned you, because you practically lived in her house.

"Yeah, I figure my laptop misses me" you replied while walking to the front door.

"look out for perverts!" She shouted from her room " and text me as soon as you get home"

"I will!" You shouted back, while going out of the door to her house, and locking it with your key.

You sighed as the cool breeze caused your (hair color) hair to shift a bit.

It was a beautiful night, not too cold or too hot, and the moon was actually showing for once.

You began walking the 10 minute walk home.

You didn't mind being alone, or walking, In fact you preferred it to the loud sounds of the day.

As you walked you hummed (your favorite song) under your breath, to fill the void left by silence.

You saw a flash of white in the corner of your eye, but quickly dismissed it as a reflection of the moon on something shiny.

So you continued walking while humming, until you stopped at your usual short cut.

You debated In your mind wether or mind you should go through the alleyway.

It would save you a few minutes of your walk.

But on the downside anything could be hiding in there.

You never know.

So feeling accomplished for taking these things into consideration, you continue taking the long way.

It was a nice night out, anyways.

You are humming the chorus of the song you are singing, when you are suddenly grabbed from behind, with your mouth covered.

Your school bag goes flying as you struggle in the persons arm, trying to kick them where it hurts, no matter what thier gender is.

A dark chuckle creeps you out so much that you begin to cry, not a lot, but you feel you eyes get watery and your breathing become panicked.

You pass out, cursing yourself for being stupid while you do.

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now