Chapter 32

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This chapter might be triggering to some people, I know that overall it might seem a little harsh on your character, but it fit with the plot so I just wrote it. No matter what I just wrote you are all beautiful people .

You couldn't believe this, you could not believe that this had happened to you.

I had been hours since you woke up to find your self blindfolded.

You couldn't see anything, but from what you could feel you were strapped to some kind of table.

Wherever you were all you knew was that bit was freezing, and that you were alone.

Every second Kaneki's words to you wandered through your head.

He had betrayed you, he had drugged you, he left you here in this dark place that smelled like rust, he abandoned you.

Tears rolled down your cheeks in what seemed like gallons.

How could you be so stupid and naive? No one loved you, no one would ever love you, all you were was a girl with no parents.

The world was a cruel place, it showed no mercy upon anyone.

when you heard the door to the room you were currently in open, you knew that whoever if was would spare no mercy upon you, no matter how much you pleaded, begged, or screamed.

The sound of chains rattling along the ground as someone dragged them toward you told you that something horrible was about to happen.

'So traumatic that you won't even remember yourself anymore'

That's when you realized, you were about to be tortured.

Pain exploded in your abdomen and you realized that your skin was being sliced open.

You screamed as loud as you could as the horrid feeling nearly fried all of your nerves from its intensity.

You wanted to throw up and pass out at the same time.

Your captor must have noticed your facial expression, because they began to speak.

"Oh no, sorry sweetie but there's no sleeping" the voice was unrecognizable, but maybe that was due to the fact that all you could hear was your own erratic heartbeat.

Your arm was stabbed with something, and the shock of the pain caused you to be completely awake again.

"There now that's better"

"LET ME GO! What did I ever do to you!!" You wailed in fear and pain

Your captor laughed before speaking, "You were born"

You were forced to stay awake as your captor stitched up your wound, only to make a cut in a different spot and sow that one up too.

The process lasted days.

Everyday before leaving your captor asked you a question, it was " Who are You?"

Most times you responded by spitting in their general direction or yelling your name in defiance.

But one day you answered correctly ......

"Who are you?" Your captor questioned

"I-I don't know" you answered

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now