Chapter Six *REVISED*

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Chapter Six

Van knew that he shouldn't have been hanging at a club with some bimbo hanging off his arm but he couldn't resist it. Not because he wanted her there, but because he was having his childish revenge on Hazel. His best friend, Zash Steinfield, was chatting up a blonde, who didn't need any convincing as she was all but trying to climb all over Zash's lap as soon as he looked her way. Zash looked over at Van, silently asking to be rescued from his ever eager seatmate. Van decided to play dumb and ignore him.

"You look too thoughtful to be hanging out in a club." Van looked to his left where a new over eager patron had taken up residence beside him. She smirked, titling her head back in what Van assumed she thought to be a sexy pose. "Loosen up, before you get old and married."

Zash stifled a laugh, turning away from the girl in pretense to be checking his phone. His discomfort was becoming painfully obvious.

Sighing, Van turned a frigid glare to the girls that were vying for his attention, "I think I wasn't making it obvious enough that I'm not interested. In either of you. Now get."

Both girls flip him the bird and shuffled out of their seats, calling back more insults his way and sashaying their hips as they stumbled away. Van shook his head, turning back to look at the blond who had wiggled her way onto Zash's lap. She was smirking triumphantly at the retreating figures of the two that left. Van tapped the table separating them, gaining her attention.

"You included. Scram."

Zash flashed him a grateful smile and downed the rest of his drink, "I was beginning to think she'd never leave."

Van scuffed, "Grow a pair and learn how to say no."

He settled back into his seat, looking grumpy again. After all, he needed to grow a pair and say no to his father.

Zash smirked, "I'm too nice to be like you. So why are we here drinking on this uneventful Saturday evening?"

"She arrived today." Van gritted out, feeling agitated again.

Zash smirked, "So shouldn't you be there with her?"

"Yeah. The bit– no, Ms. George told me that I could go if I wanted to." he glared at the beer then exclaimed, "She practically told me that I was of no importance, and dismissed me from my own home."

He found himself rolling his eyes for the second time that evening. "She told me to go to whoever I'd rather be with... So I told her I would and left."

That really set Zash off. He laughed gleefully, throwing his blond head back, "So here you are, hanging out with me." He took a moment to compose himself, "I love you too, man."

Van narrowed his eyes in mock annoyance, then finally gave in, grinning, "Shut up, idiot. I was just shocked, okay. I mean, the moment she got me alone the first thing she says is that I should leave, because she basically can't stand being around me."

"Maybe... She wasn't the one who put both your fathers up to this after all." Zash suggested, amusement shining in his eyes. "Or maybe she was just nervous."

Van rolled his dark blue eyes skyward, "No. If it weren't her then why would she show up looking like a freaking goddess? And the coldness. I swear her glare gave me frostbite."

"She's that hot?" Zash leaned forward.

"Legs for days." His best friend did the opposite by leaning back, "Freaking hot."

"Then take her to bed and show her who is boss." Zash shrugged, as if to say that was the simple solution.

Van contemplated this for a minute, allowing himself to forget everything else he had noticed about her, then grinned, "I think I will."

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