Chapter Nine *Revised*

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Chapter Nine

Van had never met a woman that physically cringed at the thought of having sex with him. The mere thought of the situation – the woman he was being shackled with not wanting to have a relationship – made him annoyed. Then she all but grabbed him and stomped out of the yard like a sexy raging bull, turning him into a cross between angry and turned on. What Van goth felt for her was a lethal attraction.

"Can't you be nice for five seconds?" he questioned, half joking, half serious.

"Can't." Hazel commented, completely missing his joke, "It's not in my anatomy."

"Well is there anything redeemable in your anatomy?" Van bit out as he walked ahead. He felt as if looking at her would cause him to do something rash; like try to kiss her. So he forged ahead, expecting Hazel to follow.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch, Saint Van."

He glanced back, shooting the dazzling redhead an irritated look. Van decided against answering. He rounded the car, intent on getting out of the heat. Perhaps her temper would cool under the air condition.

Van pressed the button to open the car and held her door open for her, "Getting in?"

Hazel rolled her eyes, "No, I want to stand out here like a lawn gnome." She muttered. Hazel strutted pass him, ducking to get into the car. Van goth watched her sit and tried not to slam the door in frustration.

He went back to the driver's side and slid in. It was obvious that they were both out of sorts when the doors were closed and they had neglected to put on their seatbelts. Hazel had her left arm up, resting against the door, her fist pressed into her temple. Van twisted in his seat to look at her.

"Have you calmed down now, hell-cat?"

"Remember that silence rule?" Hazel muttered, not rising to his bait for a fight.

"Why, in the name of all things sane, did you have to throw a temper at my father?"

"Why, in the name of all things sane," Hazel mocked, still not looking at him, "Is your father trying to dictate our se–, my life to me?"

Van scoffed, muttering under his breath, "The better question is why are you grabbing for money with no plans to work for it?"

Hazel flinched away from him, thoroughly stunned. She had not planned on taking off but she somehow found herself flinging the door open and turning down the street. She ignored his shouts, and continued stomping down the street until she got to a bus stop. Hazel briefly considered going to a hotel to stay but the obvious lack of prior planning meant she nothing packed with her. Nor did she have enough money. Her much needed retreat from humanity – after barely two days, mind you – was out of the question. Huffing, Hazel took the first bus that passed. It would take her to a nearby park she remembered from her childhood.

On the ride there Hazel refused to allow her brain to dwell on the voice in her head that was telling her that she was behaving like an idiot. None of her self-proclaimed level-headedness nor her cool intellect could be found. She wanted to hold on to her anger and frustration for as long as she could. And therefore she was behaving irrationally; allowing her emotions to wreak havoc on her temper.

But if she let that go then she would just be giving in. It would be as if she had no qualms with the situation; as if she were allowing three strange men to make all the decisions of her life.

And damnit, she refused to be her mother!

Reprimanding herself for acting like a child, Hazel slummed back in the hard bus seat. She had thought she had resolved herself to look at the situation as her securing future but here she was, playing the fool.

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