Twenty Eight

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Twenty Eight

Dinner was blissful, at least it was for Hazel. She had never smiled that much in one night. Van turned out to be quite the charismatic, witty comments and then some. For the most part, she was didn't want the night to end.

Despite herself, she felt that things would go crashing down after that night; she feared it dearly.

After dinner they walked to a small cinema. She had foolishly left her coat, resulting in Van having to give up his. It was way bigger than her but it smelt of him, so she subconsciously hugged it closer to herself.

The silence between them was surprisingly not as awkward as she thought it would be. But what did surprise her was when he twined his fingers with hers and gently tugged at her hand to get her to walk at a slower pace.

"Van..." her voice trailed,"I..."

"I want to be with you Hazel." his voice was gruff, all playfulness gone from it.

She looked up, trying to decifer the look on his face. It was too dark but she was sure that he was frowning.

"I want you, not only physically but also emotionally, as ¹pushy whipped as that sounds. And I want you to want me too. Okay?"

Hazel swallowed the lump in her throat. Her mouth had gone dry and they had stopped walking. He was staring down at her with a fiery look, yet it was tender. Hazel felt as if she would melt because of just that look.
Her eyes went down their entwined fingers. She gazed at it, intent on not acknowledge his words;.maybe, just maybe, if she ignored his words, they wouldn't exist.

A finger, soft and cold from being exposed, tilted her chin up,"I won't pressure you, cuz' I want you to want me. But don't ignore what I've said."

His eyes blazed a defiant fire in the deepths of his dark blue orbs. Her breathing hitched, and chested tightened,"Please..."

Swallowing for what felt like the millionth time for the night, Hazel said,"I don't... know about these things... I'll. I don't know."

"We'll talk about it at home?" he questioned.

Home? Home? Home...

"Home." she confirmed.


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