Battle Royale part 3

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Jake POV
'What is this? Where am I?', I thought.
'Aren't I dead? Finn finished me didn't he? This isn't heaven! And hopefully not hell...'
As jake tried to clear his mind and focus on his new location, he heard a loud grunt. Then came the warm liquid on his leg. What is this stuff? He began to think until he finally began to see some light.

"What are you doing Finn you idiot!", a familiar voice says.

"Fiona?", I whisper lightly unable to form to my senses still.

"Jake! Yet up at help, will Ya!?! I can't hold him back much longer."

"FIONA!", I said as I quickly got up feeling no pain due to my adrenaline rush.

I enlarge my fist, bawling them up as tight as I can, as my arm goes strait into Finns ribcage making something crack and sending him flying away.

There's a loud boom and smoke as Finn collides with the ground. As the smoke begins to clear I see that it made a huge trail in the dirt. Good.

" Fiona what happened? I thought you were out?", I ask frantically, probably looking like a dweeb with my scared facial expressions.

"I heard a loud bang and it woke me up in an instant, I looked over and you were against a tree and Finn was holding a dagger. I quickly got up and deflected the blow causing me to get this nasty cut on my arm. But he was really gonna do it. I saw no doubt or regret in his eyes... What happened to the Finn I knew? What happened to the Finn we knew!?!", Fiona said with her eyes tearing up.

She's a tough girl, I can't deny that. But she's right, what happened to Finn? Is this really him?

Suddenly there was thumping over by a now standing, angry-looking Finn. Then there was a loud roar. What does he think he is? Some kind of like, animal?

Of course even I can't answer that...

"Jake get ready.", Fiona tells me obviously ready to start some trouble.

I like it.

Listening to Fiona I bawl my huge fist and make spiked brass knuckles on them. Then I grew to BILLY's size. Giving myself skin armor and awesome abbs that I totally already had...

Me and Fiona brace ourselves for what's to come as Finn begins to charge towards us.

I bring back my fist getting ready to sock Finn in the nose. And right as Finn got close to me I gave him all I had!

There was a loud crack, actually there were two. I'm not sure what I hit the dust that came got into my eyes and nose.
The dust clears as I start to see what I punched. Definitely NOT Finn...

"What The-

"CAKE!!!", Fiona screams, launching herself at her arms wide ready for a hug.

Cakes body stretches and quickly pushes Fiona backwards.

"Not no sweet-pea! I'm d-doin something!", she yells as she tries to hold back Finn.

"Oh yeah!", I yell as I turn huge an help to keep Finn back.

Jeez! For someone this size, he's super strong! 2 huge animals can barely hold him back. I mean I have abbs!!!

Fiona's POV
Cake! She's hear and she got to work quick, I mean I didn't even hear her coming! But she's having trouble even with jake helping. And I can't do anything cause I'm not even close to how strong they are!

What to do! What to do!

Got it! I'll just be Fiona! It was so simple!

"Well this will be fun.", I say under my breath as I crack my knuckles.

Quickly leaping away, I take out my sword and dash at Finn full speed. My sword scraping the ground leaving a deep line through it. As I approach him, or uh it, I lift my sword getting ready to aim for the neck, and as I take my swing!!!!


There was an awkward silence. I look up realizing how bad this is. Finn, using one hand to hold back jake and cake, used his other hand to deflect my blade. And to make it worse the blade broke! Now what do i do?

Finn puts both hands on jake and cake and pushes them back to the point where they skid around some 20 trees! He looks at me with his red, beady eyes and tries to punch my shoulder. I quickly dodge, sliding to the left, only to get kneed in my gut sending me in the air to where Finn grabs my leg and tosses me behind him.

I land with a thud hitting my head on the ground.

"Definitely a concussion.", I grunt as Finn comes back and lifts me by my neck in the air.

I struggle in the air but I can't get out of his grip. What do I do?!? I'm chocking out here. I kick my legs thinking that'll help, (it didn't), and then it hits me! I know what to do!

I try to reach in my pocket almost out of air. My face turning purple like Finns, then I finally get in it...

Wrong pocket.

I go for my right one a little faster this time knowing I have about ten seconds left until I pass out. Got it! I quickly take out strange looking pinkish, purple, crystal thing and hold it up to Finns chest.

I can feel myself going numb I have to do this now!

I struggle getting my fist on Finns chest as hard as I can and then I say the words that save me!


Once those words came out of my mouth Finn paused and let me down. I catch my breath while still holding the crystal in Finns chest, but now it's not just a crystal...

"Crystal sword!", I yell as I kick Finn forwards sending him off my sword with a lid scraping noise.

He falls to the ground, now beginning to hold his stab wound. He's breathing hard coughing every couple seconds.

What a great plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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