The great ice escape

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Cake POV

I was stuck inside jake for a while because he was frozen. But I could still look through the ice.

I looked and saw Finn and Fiona frozen stuck in a cage with me and jake.

I saw ice king came in and started talking to ice queen so i put my ears against the ice in jakes mouth and eavesdropped.

"Okay so the deal is you help me marry Fiona and I help you marry Finn.", ice king said.

"Yes then he will live with me in a cage so I can see him everyday.", ice queen said creepily.

"What about jake?",ice king asked.

"We kill him.", ice queen replied evilly.

"We can't do that he's my home dog or whatever.", ice king said acting like he was friends with jake.

"Oh honey mmm mmm mmm.", I whispered.

"Actually just let him freeze to death.",ice king said.

"I won't let them do that baby.", I told jake.

Then ice king and ice queen left the room to take pictures of Gunter.

Then I made my hand into a pick axe and make a hole so jake could breathe and I could shrink and escape the body.

I hopped out and got Finn and Fiona out of the ice. Then I went to jake.

Fiona POV

Cake got me and Finn out of the ice then started on jake. she told us about the ice royals plan.

"Ill.", I said.

"WHAT THE JUNK!",Finn said disgusted.

Me and Finn just say down looking for a way out. But then Finn said something convenient.

"Oh ya I've been locked up here so many times I made a bar really thin so if once I had to escape I could just kick it!", He told us.

Then Finn took a step back then ran into the bar with a powerful kick. Then the bar came right off just like he said.

"Mathematical !", I said.

Then jake grew conscious.

"Jake lets go!", Finn said.

"Go where?", jake said.

"We'll explain later just come!", Finn yelled at jake.

Then we went to leave but ice queen came out and punched Finn in the face.

"Oww.", Finn said.

Then he ran up and slid under her legs to get behind her. Then he punched her in the middle of her back.

"Awww!", she yelled in pain.

Then she got really angry. She got a bunch of ice swords and soon she had twelve circling her. Then with no hesitation she flew her arms in front of her and the swords went flying at me.

I knew for sure I was a goner but in then I looked up to see blood on the walls. I got up and saw Finn lying on the ground bleeding everywhere.

"FINN!!!!!", I yelled. "what happened?"

"Finn jumped in front of you to save you and was nailed with 11 swords.", jake said." then he kicked one at ice queen and she was knocked out.

"We need to get him help!", I said.

"Here get on my back and hold Finn, were bringing him to princess bubblegum.", jake replied.

Then we set off to the candy kingdom. It should have been me not him. I thought.

"Hold on finn, were almost there.", I whispered to him.

Ice queen POV

Oh we'll Fiona thinks she can have her boyfriend save her. Well I can't wait till I get Finn out of the way. Then Fiona your just gonna be a memory. A poor, defenseless , little memory.

"Hahaha hahahahahaha!", I laughed evilly.

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