No difference part 1

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Fiona POV

So me, jake, and cake were going to save Finn but we were annoyed when we got to the ice kingdom.

That hag had the whole place barricaded in thick ice! I was so angry. But I wasn't stopping here.

I got cake and said,"ready for the cake explosion."

"Ready baby!", cake replied exited.

Then she turned small and I chucked her at the ice and as soon as she hit it she grew huge. She was powerful enough to smash the wall so we could get in.

When we got in the ice domain we found ice queen next to Finn frozen. She was tugging on Finns hand or something. Whatever she was doing I was going to put an end to it.

"Hey ice queen!", i shouted.

"What!", ice queen retorted. "how did you get here?"

"With force, now it's time use that force on you!", I yelled to her.

Than I ran up and tried to hot her with a sucker punch but it missed. She went over me and shot Ice crystals at me.

But I took out my retractable sword and blocked it. I quickly ran up and slashed her face. It began to bleed.

"Oh that's it!", ice queen yelled at me.

Than after telling at me she rose up in the air and created a ice boulder. Without a warning she slammed it on me.

I was able to escape the boulder but my foot had been smashed. I couldn't move or else pain would take over.

I managed to lose her which gave me spare time. So I looked over to jake and cake and mouthed the words help me.

They quickly came in and double teamed ice queen. They came from both sides and punched her in the chest.

"Aw!", ice queen squealed in pain.

I quickly sneaked over to finn undetected and unfroze him.

"Wha- Fiona?", Finn said confused.

"Shhh be quieter.", I whispered to him." I'm here to help all we have to do is escape unnoticed."

"Mathematical!", Finn said quietly.

Than we sneaked pass ice queen. she was to busy fighting off 2 magic creatures to spot us.

So we made are escape. While we were running I saw cake and jake run out the size of a 9 story building.

They lifted us on there back and we got home. When we were home I poured the magical cyclops eye juice on him.

Than he said he's feeling way better. I was happy to hear this. but his smile turned into a grown when jake had told Finn that ice king was dead.

"What!", Finn said with watery eyes. "he can't be dead!"

"I'm sorry bro.", Jake said trying to calm Finn down .

I felt bad for Finn. I always had but it was just different.

As we were going to bed I noticed a ring on Finns finger.

"What's that?, I asked.

"What's what?", Finn said.

"The ring on your finger.'', I told him.

"Oh I don't know you can have it.", he said as he took it off.

Than as he handed it to me I blushed. But I looked at Finn when I put it on. I felt a tingly feeling but no change. I wonder where he got this. But I didn't know so I just went to bed.

I woke up the next evening with blood on my face. What the! I thought to myself. Who's blood is this. I couldn't find anyone though.

So I started to look for them. than I took a glance in the sink and than had a shocked face. Their lied jake. dead. chopped in half.

"Oh my glob!", I screamed.

Than i started to pick up my pace looking for people. And when I checked in a room I felt a huge pain in my side.

I saw cakes head. And no other parts of her body. She had also been killed. Now I started to run.

"FINN!", I kept yelling.

And than I came to a stop. I saw Finn alive in front of me. But he was covered in blood choking.

He had been stabbed with a sword. But no normal sword. an ice sword.

"Finn!", I screamed

I went over to help him but I was to late, he had died in my arms. I got up and wiped my eyes but I looked in front of me and felt rage shoot through my body.

It was ice queen. She had been mumbling something but then she yelled it.

"You shouldn't have taken Finn from me!", She yelled." now your friends payed the price!"

"ICE QUEEN IM GONNA KILL YOU!", I screamed at her.

But than there was a loud bang and than silence. I stopped running. I looked down and there was a ice sword in my neck.

I started to choke on my blood and fell to the ground. Than i fell and it was over for me I died right there.

I woke up with a shout and realized it had been a nightmare. A horrible, gruesome nightmare.

"Are you okay!", finn yelled.

"Ya I'm good.", I told him.

Than I sighed and went back to sleep.

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