Finding Finn

372 13 3

Fiona POV

This is bad. Oh finn is in deep deep trouble. But how do I save him.

I stopped running. How will I save Finn? He's going to be more powerful than me.

I started to think for a moment.

I can save him! I began to run. I was running so fast I couldn't feel the ground anymore.

All that I said and did. I beat Finn got him kidnapped. Oh I'm a terrible person. But I guess I can live with that because right now I didn't care.

I was running while I noticed I was falling. I landed on the ground face first. Normally I'd be crying but I couldn't feel the pain. I was that determined.

I instantly stopped in my tracks when I heard talking. I was near the woods so I thought they were in their.

I saw it was the kidnappers. They had Finn tied to a metal tree. Ya it was flipping metal tree. with robotic birds and everything. What the glob?

But what I saw next was horrifying. Talking turned into screaming. Finn was growing!

He began to ooze green liquid. He grabbed the two childnappers and squished them to death.

"Finn!", I yelled.

Why did I do that? He noticed I was standing there and screamed something. It sounded like Revenge or something.

All I know is he was angry. He stomped at me trying all he could to kill me. By now his skin was half off his skull as the bone was showing.

I now knew I was correct. He was possessed by the lich.

He went to stomp on me but I pulled out my retractable sword and got it through his heel.

He yelped in pain. He was okay though he was still bleeding though.

He swiped his foot and kicked me back 20feet. I let go of my sword. That was the end of my sword.

RIP retractable crystal sword. Finn grabbed it off the ground and snapped it in half as if it were a twig.

I don't need to tell the rest because you get it. I ran away. Hey what else could I do it was either die or run away fully alive. So I picked the easy choice.

But when I looked back finn was 6 feet taller and scarier. He was heading towards the candy kingdom.

He was going to kill the princess. to succeed in what the lich failed at. But I am Fiona the human and I swear ill save Ooo from Finn.

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