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Jake POV

Oh no, Finn my brother, my best friend was dying and I had to watch him suffer the pain. I know he was conches but that was the bad thing.

I just kept hearing him scream in pain. Oh finn. You can't die! you just cant! Your my best friend. After all we've been through it just can't end.

I kept looking up from Finn and seeing Fiona's face. I knew she was messed up. Her self from a different dimension was dying because he saved her.

Oh glob I just don't know what to say. I just kept saying," cake faster!!!" But I'm just worried that well be too late.

" Jake I'm sorry that Finn is- is-", Fiona couldn't finish her sentence, she kept having tears well up in her eyes. " I'm just sorry."

"It's okay.", I said sympathetically. "uh are we close?"

"Ya baby I'm going as fast as I can.", Cake said. " I think I see the kingdom!"

"Aww ya!", I yelled. " couldnt have been at a better time." " Finn hold on we're almost there."

"Ughhhh!", Finn said silently. he couldn't really talk. He'd lost to much blood.

"PB!!", I yelled.

"What the glob!", she yelled noticing Fiona and cake.

"Ill explain later!", i yelled. " Finn needs help!"

"Oh no Finn.", I heard PB say under her breathe. " doctor!"


2 hours later-

Fiona POV

So we were in the waiting room wishing for the best. But I couldn't get over that he might die because of me. I just couldn't think of anything else other than Finn.

Finn, oh how he used to laugh at my jokes. But he always had this awkward look on his face when he talked to me.

Could he l-li-. I was cut off by a unfamiliar voice.

"I'm back.", the lady said. she assumed to be wearing a nurse outfit.

"Well!", jake yelled at her.

"I have good news and bad news, which one d-", i cut the doctor off.

"Bad news!", I yelled.

"Finn is in horrible condition he is in a coma because he lost to much blood.", she said sadly.

"Oh no finn", I said helplessly.

"I'm sorry bro." jake said.

"Oh no baby.", cake said worried.

"Wait!", she yelled. "Finn is alive and recovering fast but he won't be able to fight or adventure for at least hmmm, 2 years."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!", we all yelled.

"Unless.", the doctor said.

"Unless what!", i yelled with jake.

"Unless you can get a tear from the mountain giant."

"Alright, ill do it.", jake said determined.

"I'm in too.", I said.

"Oh baby add me", cake said.

"Okay great.", the doctor said." ill take care of finn." " just go get the head!"

"Alright lets go!!!", I yelled.

Then we ventured on into this crazy backwards world.

Ooo and Aaa collideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang