No difference part 2

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Finn POV

So Fiona had bad dreams last night and I had one that I don't want to get into.

But I had been in the quiet for a lot now and thought a lot about Fiona. I couldn't stop thinking about her!

I don't know why. It's just weird. I'm thinking about her more than I used to think about Flame princess.

But I know I couldn't tell her about this or else she wouldn't want to be near me. It would be awkward having your friend say I always think about her.

So I kept it to myself. But I felt like me and her have something special. Even though we're not dating or like like each other this is still a better love story than twilight.

But seriously I didn't know what to do. Maybe I should ask jake. But I don't know. I just, maybe have some feelings for her.

"Hey Finn!", Fiona told me.

"Oh hey.", I said awkwardly.

Then there was a thought in my brain that I blurted out.

"Fiona the ring!", I yelled." it makes you fall in love with the first person you see!" " I just remembered, who did you see first."

"Oh uhh I think it was you", Fiona said slowly. "but I didn't feel any different what does that mean?"

"Uh I don't know!", I said confused.

"Ok but this is awkward Ill just leave.", she told me than left.

I sat down on the couch and started thinking. If she didn't feel a change when she looked at me than...

Fiona l-loves me. As soon as this popped in my mind I became happy and realized I loved fiona. Is that why my body made me save her? I don't know but all I know is that we can be together.

Than Fiona came down with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"We have a wedding to go to tomorrow.", she said sadly.

"Oh.", I said with a blank look on my face.

After she told me she went back upstairs. I need to find a way to tell her before she goes back to her demention. But how.....

1 day later...

Fiona POV

So we were at the ice kings funeral. There was more princesses than bugs there. Even PB showed up! But she didn't show any emotion.

But I knew Finn and jake were sad. I looked over to se Finn wiping his eyes. I knew he couldn't not cry at stuff like this.

That's what I like about Finn though, He shows his emotions. But I knew he didn't like me in that way so I don't try. Because truth is I- I live him.

But I know he doesn't love he just thinks of me as one of the guys. But I wanted to be the Girlfriend.

But that won't happen so I stopped thinking about it and brought my attention to ice king.

Poor guy , I saw Marceline bawling! But it was very emotional. A day ago we hated him now were crying because we miss him.

It's just weird. Then I remembered it was ice queen who betrayed him and that's what made him vulnerable. He never knew she was taking Finn but jake never got to know.

Then Finn got up to say some words about ice king.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here because ice king has perished from this world.", he said trying to hold back tears. " he might have been annoying and some might say evil we will all miss him and hope glob spares his soul."" thank you."

Then he left the microphone. And in no time the funeral had come to an end and we were all gone but Finn wasn't. He stood there watching the grave for 2 hours.

Poor finn. But I knew jake was sad. He had stayed in his room and locked the door.

It had been a terrible day.

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