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Fiona POV

I woke up with the strangest feeling. I looked down to realize I was on the ground. I jerked myself up and saw cinnamon bunn. But then the woman cinnamon bunn came.

I stood there confused until I remembered the people of aaa was in Ooo. Than I knew I was forgetting something. But what?

I started on my way back home when I remembered I came here with Finn.

"Where's finn?", I thought.

For all I knew he might have went home. So I didn't worry about it. That is until it got home.

As I opened the door there was complete silence. I saw no one but the lights were turned on.( this creeped me out because I started to think up that nightmare I had.)

"Jake, cake!", I yelled up the stairs.

Than there was loud bangs and people rushed down the stairs. Ot was jake and cake.

"Hi", I said casually.

"Oh baby are you ok.", cake said.

"Ya why?", I asked confused.

"Wait where's Finn?", jake said.

I quickly remembered what happened last night. The death, the fight, the kidnappers.

"Finn!", I yelled as I ran outside.

Cake ran after me but jake just plopped down. I could tell he was anxious to know where Finn was.

"Ja-", I cut myself off. i didn't have the heart to tell him finn might be dead.

I whispered it to cake so she could help find him.

"Okay baby.", She whispered.

We told jake were leaving then we started are search.

"Fiona!", cake yelled."you have bruises everywhere!"

"I remembered the kidnappers and turned my face. Cake knew I didn't want to answer her question so she stood without an answer.

"Hey fiona, what was Finn acting like?", cake asked with a helpless face.

"He was being a huge jerk.", I told her. " Finn killed Marshall."

As we were walking I realized we were at Marshall's house. Were I buried him.

But when I walked over to my surprise there was a hole in the ground. And I started to here the sound of a guitar.

Was Marshall... Alive? I walked into the house to see Marshall right there very alive.

"Hey babe, miss me.", he smirked.

"You faker!", I yelled." I was sorry for you, crying, Finn was kidnapped and might be dead just because you wanted a quick laugh!"

"Yo chill Fi.", he said alarmed." it was a joke." "just a j-joke."

My eyes began to tear up. I nailed Marshall in the jaw than ran away. I couldn't believe he did that!

But I was a fool and fell for it. But wait. I quickly stopped in my tracks. Why was Finn acting like he did?

A thought came to me than I began to run.

"FINN!", I yelled.

If what I thought was true he's in deep, deep trouble.


Hey guys Jeremy here. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. I promise ill update more. Ive just had band stuff and Relationship stuff. it been a lot. But Finns in trouble. So keep on reading. And also thanks for 360 reads. You guys are amazing! So update soon bye.


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