Travel to the cyclops

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Cake POV

So we were adventuring deep into the forest and we came to a sign.

"Hey what's this!", jake said.

"Yo I'm a sign.", the sign said in a annoying voice. " you can go left, or right, pick a path."

"Hey wait, I went on this path before.", Fiona said. " we go... strait!"

"Alright baby now were talking!", I said. " alright so what's next?"

"Well I think we have to go through this river that's impossible to cross.", Fiona said discouraged.

"Okay so when we reach that ill stretch you guys across, then ill get over.", jake said.

"Yay baby, alright!", I yelled in glee.

Then we started to venture on. But on the way we found a bear. Jake just wrapped the bear in his arms and through him who knows where. Poor baby!

But eventually we found the river.

"Yes there it is!", Fiona said. " alright jake lets go."

Then jake stretched us across then he came. we all were unharmed but jake was stung by a eel. Ouch!

Jake POV

So we were trying to get tears from this grass cyclops or something then we crossed a river. My side still hurt from this sting I got.

"Alright so next we find this small house and keep going up the mountain.", Fiona told us.

"Hey I see them!", cake said. " lets go!"

"All right!!", I yelled in relief.

Then we went up the mountain. There was 2 close calls. First Fiona tripped and almost fell off the cliff. But cake saved her. Then this fox we found fell in love with cake. Awkward... But then we reached the top!

"What the glob!!!!!", I yelled. " the cyclops not even here!"

"No he's here.", Fiona said. " just watch."

Then she walked over and brought her retractable sword out and shoved it into the end of the mountain.

"Ya!'', Fiona yelled grabbing strength.

"Owwww!", a mysterious, powerful voice yelled. " who dares touch the mighty grass cyclops!?!"

"I do!", Fiona yelled.

Then with no warning then end of the mountain seperated and it stood up. Then he turned around and gave us the hairy eyeball.

"Oh gross get that out of here!", I yelled in disgust.

"You disturb cyclops, you fight cyclops!", the one eyes freak yelled.

Then the cyclops smashed his fist on the ground and we all shook. Cake fell over. But then. he tried to smash us but I enlarged my hands and stopped the fist before it could smash us.

Then he took a tree out of the ground as if it were a petal off a flower and chucked it at Fiona. But then cake jumped in front of Fiona and she was knocked out cold.

"No!", Fiona yelled starting to cry. " why does this always happen to me!" " cyclops I will defeat you!''

Then she ran up and jumped onto the giants neck then she ran up the back off his head and shoved her sword into the giants eye.

"IEEE!", the cyclops yelled in agony.

But she wasn't done she shoved it farther in and started to pry out his eye.

''Fiona what are you doing?!?", I asked.

"Ow stop it!", the cyclops yelled in staggering pain.

Then the eye came out. and the cyclops fainted. Fiona was almost take down with him but I grabbed her. Then I realized why she did it.

She could heal whatever she wanted and then she gave it to me so I could hold it. Then she grabbed cake and we started home.

Fiona's POV

No! why does this keep happening! First Finn now cake. Oh why. But wait Fiona. you got the eye. Now we save finn.

Ya, save finn. then it will all be alright. Ya.

"Lets hurry, I just think it would be best, for finn.", I told jake.

"Ya lets go.", jake replied.

Then we picked up the pace and In no time we could already see the candy kingdom. Alright finn here we come!

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