On the inside

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Finn POV

I felt my body heat go down as I struggled to open my eyes. As I got used to the dark I noticed I was in some bag thing.

I started to look around but there was no exit. Now I started to panic.

"Where am I?", I whispered.

No answer. Isn't that just great. I flailed my legs around trying to make a hole but it only made me look like a idiot.

As I caught my breath I started to cool down. I slouched down and got comfy.

I figured I'd be here for a while so I closed my eyes. But a couple minutes later I heard a voice.

A very familiar voice. The type of voice that makes you want to crawl up into a ball and cry.

But it sounded like a faint cry of a little girl. I stood up and found my back pack had been under me this entire time.

I quickly opened it up and found my golden sword. I realized I didn't have my grass sword but I didn't care.

I slashed the wall with the sword which led me to a dark hallway.

I heard the crying again but louder this time. The walls made the noise echo. It made me rethink going here.

It didn't make a difference I have to help. I began to run. I ran so fast I couldn't feel the ground underneath my feet.

Until the hallway came to an end. I found a little girl there. But she was facing the wall so I couldn't see her face.

As I put my hand on her shoulder she stopped crying. She still never faced me.

I slowly turned her around and when I saw her face I think I jumped back.

Her face was the face of the lich. than he started to laugh his evil laugh.

His body grew bigger which made his clothes rip and than he was huge.

He grabbed me in his bony hands and started to whisper to me.

"It's okay, she will pay."

" Wh- who will pay?", I barely got out of my mouth.

"Fiona she will die."

"No she can't die. I WON'T LET HER!"

"What you don't know foolish boy is that it is you who can't do anything because you are her killer."

"No I I can't be. I just can't."

The lich led me to a window which I saw me and Fiona fighting.

I had kicked her to the ground and jumped on top of her. I took out a sharp dagger.

It looked very lethal. I brought it up to Fiona's neck then the window disappeared. All I heard was screaming.

Coming from Fiona. What had I done? Why would I do this? How could I stop it?


Authors note- Hey guys I need to tell you something. Thank you for all the reads and support. Speaking of support please check out @CharlyPilcher shes an amazing writer and she's really supportive. So check her out. I will be adding more I just keep forgetting. So check him out and ill add more soon. Bye!


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