Underworld adventure part 2

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Fiona POV

So I had just kissed the guy of my dreams. It was awesome! It really made me forget about flame prince. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him now I can barely think up his name.

But after we hugged Finn had ran and beat all the gangsters. But then he kept on running.

Oh ya! ice king.I thought. So I ran after him.

"Hey wait up!", I yelled.

"Don't leave us!", jake screamed at us.

Than he started catching up. Buti couldn't find cake.

"Wait where's cake?!?", I asked stressed.

"Uh.", jake said without a clue.

"I'm going back to get her.", I said than I left to find cake.

I ran back and found nothing. But I heard a rattle and started to get creeped out.

I started to pick up the pase. But I still couldn't find cake. But than I found her. She was laying on the ground in pain.

She had been shot by the sniper. Finn saved me and himself but cake was hit. So I picked her up and caught up with jake.

"Jake can you hold cake?, I asked pathetically.

"Ya sure.", He said as he picked up cake.

Than I ran up to finn.He had been panting because he hadn't stopped running for so long.

"Finn.", I said. "were here."

"Oh mathematical!", Finn said suprised.

We walked in and found someone who looked familiar. Than I saw someone fighting him.

All I know is that they were shooting lazers. I see a laser shot and hear a scream in pain.

I took out a match to see the guys face and as soon as I saw him, I dropped the match.

"Finn!, I said quietly. " we need to get out of here!"

"No", Finn whispered. " I didn't come here to wimp out."

I watched him take out one of his matchs and staire in horror. At the sight of....


Authors note:

Hey guys! I left you in a spot that's horrible. what you gonna do. BITE ME!


Yes it is April 1 and I owned people. Jk. But you should know who it is. The only person who can travel anywhere he wants.

So keep on thinking!

But I know your gonna write, oh that sucks. But idc.

So I wanted to say this book has been going good. So sorry about mistakes. I'm just 12.

Ya didn't know that!!!!!

But keep in touch Jeremy.


Finn POV

I had saw the lich!!!! He had followed me here! I don't know what to do. Run or fight.

But I hadn't been thinking so I yelled out,"Hey butt face!"

"Oh Finn how lovely.", the lich said in a evil tone. "I had heard a powerful soul had been transported here."

"What's it to ya!", Fiona demanded.

"Well I'm taking it to make me more powerful.", he answered.

"Well we've come to take it so you can't have it!", I yelled.

Than the lich had looked at me and I started feeling weird. I don't have the gem to protect me!

I could feel him taking over me. But I tried fighting it. I couldn't!

I walked over to Fiona and raised my sword. I couldn't put my hand down. I knew he was making me kill her.

"I- I'm sorry.", I told her then I swung the sword.

I instantly felt a sharp pain in my side. The lich hadn't had me try to kill Fiona. He had made me kill myself.

I stared down to see my hands covered in blood holding the sword. Than the lich made me yank out the sword.

"Ahh!", I squealed in agony.

I instantly fell to the ground. I felt myself become light headed. But I wasn't letting Fiona die.

I got up and ran at the lich.

"What's happening, stop!?!", the lich yelled.

But than I ran up and cut off his head. I started to stomp on his body. Breaking the bones so he wouldn't come back to life.

I felt me get in control again. Than I felt the pain in my side again. I looked and realized I was bleeding out.

I took out a bandage and wrapped it around my wound. it had stung like crazy but I didn't want to look like a wimp I front of fiona.

"Alright lets get the ice kings soul and leave.", I said.

We found his soul upstairs and put the soul in a bottle inside my backpack. Than I went down stairs to realize the person the lich had beaten was death!

"Death!", I yelled.

"I'm okay, just a little bit wounded.", he said trying to be cool." I can teleport back to my castle."

"Alright then, bye.", I said.

"See ya.", Fiona said in her cute voice.

"Peace.", Death said then he teleported away.

"Well that was weird."! I said.

Than we went back to jake and we traveled back to Ooo.

But as soon as we got home we were shocked.

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