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Fiona's POV

We ran out of the tree house and we all had this look on our faces like when you get the present you wanted most that surprised look.

The enemy was Gunter!he was wearing some magical amulet.

"Woooow!", Finn yelled, " What the what?"

"I think Gunter got into ice kings stuff.", I said to him.

"Oh yeah that's why he has penguin armor and is the size of a jake full grown!", Finn said.

"Yo bro this doesn't seem right.", jake told Finn.

"What do you mean?", Finn asked. But then we realized the penguin army was here.

"Alright lets do this!", jake said while growing big.

Me and Finn ran on opposite sides while I took out my retractable sword and Finns grass sword instantly went from a bracelet to a sword.

We both went and attacked the legs trying to trip it. But all it did was put a little mark.

Then jake and cake both at full size rapped around the penguin army and squeezed.

But no use, they hit jake and cake unconscious to the ground.

"JAKE!", Finn yelled as I yelled cake.

"We're so done for!", I said.

But then something happened. the army stopped, then my heard stopped.


"Holy cow!", Finn yelled looking at his idol.

"Yes it's me.", billy said, " and I know I don't fight evil but you needed the help."

"Ya.", Betty said." and now me and billy can be together until the end of time."

Her saying this made me feel weird that they were kissing and I was standing next to finn. He made me feel awkward and all tingly inside.

"Fiona can I talk to you.", Betty said.Me and Betty went to a spot to talk ." I know what you were feeling."

"Wait what?", I said confused.

"Fiona, uh, you'll find out later.", she said.

"No wait what we're you gonna tell me.", I said impatiently .

"I'm sorry Fiona.", She said." you'll just find out."

Then she went and went to leave with billy.

I just stood there, shocked.

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