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Walking into school was like trying to dodge a stamped. I wondered what was going on when Sarah -the shy girl that no one really notices - practically shouted in my ear "There's a new boy starting today!" I looked at her startled and she quickly apologised before darting away. Do I really look that bad?

I headed to my locker only to find a bunch of girls whispering and giggling in my way. I coughed loudly so that they would move or even react. Nope, nothing. Time for another tactic, I very politely asked them to move and when they didn't I tapped rather gently on one of the girls shoulder. "Can you please move out my way?" I asked as nice and peacefully as I could but she just looked at me like I was an idiot so, "Move your skinny little ass away from my locker!" That worked.

The girl stepped back and I gave out a loud sigh. She looked at me and I looked at the mob of her friends still crowding around my locker. Slowly but surely she understood and called her friends away, saying she needed a seat.

I stood in amazement as her friends followed her like sheep following the shepherd. I shook my head and waited for them to clear away when Sarah came into view again. "He's coming!" she squealed and all the girls rushed to the wall. All except me of course.

I just went to my locker instead and waited for the girls to breathe again before they talked about what the boy looked like. (My guess is that he's fit because of the way everyone's acting). I waited at least five whole minutes for the deep breaths and the ohs' and awes from the girls but none came.

I was about to turn around when I saw a blur out the side of my eye so I side stepped out the way. A fight had already started and it wasn't even break yet. I stood arms folded, foot tapping next to Liam and John who were wrestling each other on the floor. They looked up at me and separated from each other as fast as lightening. 

"Are you two done yet? I kinda need to get to my locker," I said unimpressed. "I don't understand why boys fight, it's so pointless. I mean seriously, who's going to want to go out with a boy that was just in fight, with his clothes ripped and cuts and bruises all over his face. No one, well except for Lily –but the fight would have to be about her- no offense." I glanced at Lily who only shrugged in response.

"What's it to you?" smirked Liam. Everyone mouths fell open, no one ever talks back to me. They either walk away or nod, something like that, but they never talk to me. I studied Liam up and down and couldn't help but chuckle. He was a bit on the big side; his clothes already ripped a bit but there no marks on his face... yet.

I smiled "Well let's see. You're in my way of my locker so I can't get my jotters and books for class so when the bell goes I'll be late with my stuff or I'll be on time without my stuff. Either way I'm going to end up getting in trouble," I stepped closer to him, "And I can't afford getting in anymore trouble." I said so quietly and fierce that everyone moved away even though half of them  couldn't understand me. Liam took the hint and moved out my way too.

I walked to my locker and waited for the comment that would definitely get me in trouble. "Oh I was wondering when do you move to another foster home?" there it was, the comment that he'll regret.

"I mean surely you won't be there for much longer. But I've got to hand it to you three months; that must be the longest you've lasted in a home!" Liam bellowed across the hall. I dropped my bag before spinning around. Casually I sauntered over to him and everyone edged away.

"Guess I'm getting in trouble after all," I whispered rolling up my sleeves and I swear I saw Liam flinch.

Slowly I raised my arm and in one swift movement I punched Liam across the jaw. He stumbled back and touched the spot where my knuckles had made painful contact with his face. Blood was already trickling down his chin from his lip.

"You burst my lip!" he exclaimed running at me in fury. I stepped to the side before sticking my foot out. Liam tumbled to the ground and groaned in agony. Slowly he rose from the floor and came to attack me again. I stepped away so Liam started circling me. He circled me a few times before stopping in front of me, his eyes full of fury.

"Are we done yet?" I asked faking a yawn. Liam answered me by throwing a punch that I blocked easily. He tried to punch me a few more times but I blocked them as if they were flies annoying me.

Liam looked at me in disbelief before running at me as fast as he could – but to everyone else it was slow motion – I leaned on one leg and waited for him to get closer. I stared at him and when I saw his flabs of fat hit off each other, I raised my leg, put as much force as I could in to it and stretched it out to make painful contact with his chest.

In a blink of an eye he went from being less than a metre away from me to lying down in the opposite side of the hall in the corner. A kick in the chest never fails.

Casually I walked over to him one more time and grabbed his neck in my hand. I pulled him off the floor and held him to the wall. "Are we done?" I asked for the final time. He nodded and I let go, leaving him to drop to the ground and gasp for air. I turned around to go to my locker when...

"Ms Smith!" it was Mrs Kelly. "Mr Brown! What is going on here?" she asked furiously. Everyone started speaking up trying to tell a different version of what they saw. Mrs Kelly however wasn't listening to them and with a wave of her hand everyone fell silent. "Mr Brown?" she asked eyebrows raised.

"I was minding my own business, when this loony started having a go at me for no reason," Liam whimpered. He went on and on making up his own wee version of the fight and when he said he won it, Mrs Kelly looked extremely unconvinced and bored. She rolled her eyes and asked for my side of the story. So I told her it. I told the truth.

"Off to the head teacher's office then, Ms Smith," Mrs Kelly said and she sounded generally sad. But I didn't let it annoy me. I just did what I was told. I always did.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now