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I knew I shouldn't be this angry about Ava's bruises but she didn't deserve that. Or at least I assume she didn't. But it was caused by her foster dad. Her foster dad - how is he aloud to watch kids if he beats them to a pulp? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Ava already seems like a whole lot of trouble, that if I'm honest, I don't know if I can handle - what with all the drama of an insecure teenager. Sure she needs help and protection but does it really have to be my job? Do I really have to watch her like she's a baby? I'm a spy not a babysitter. But as much as I hate it, I have to keep testing her, I have to keep up this dreadful Leon act and see if she's ready to become a spy.

So far that act has cost me a fight, which isn't good considering I'm supposed to be a normal boy just trying to last in school. My extremely handsome looks already made me stand out more than I liked. Now I'm going to be stared at more and remembered as the guy that stood up for the freaky foster kid, Ava.

And to top things off, I have already had my first row with that Mr Rite guy. I still don't know why I stormed into his office and started shouting and bawling at him about Ava's bruises. I mean I know why, the dude knew about her foster dad's anger issues but hasn't done anything about it. What I mean is that I don't know why I care so much - its not like Ava means anything to me. I just need her to help get my dad back from the enemies. How the fuck she's supposed to help I have no flipping clue.

Anyway, Mr Rite - worst fake name ever by the way - only said that he couldn't do anything in fear that she'd be moved too far away from the school and wouldn't have their protection if that was the case. All I'm going to say about that is; bullshit. Prick doesn't realise who he's talking to - I can smell a lie from a mile away. Hell I sense lies before they even form in your head.

Idiot thinks that I'm just a kid still learning my spy skills. He's so fucking wrong its unbelievable. So I marched out his office ,even angrier than when I entered it in the first place, straight into the path of the knuckle head, Liam. Who I now despise due to the sneaky blow he managed on my jaw. But boy did he regret it.

Hear I was thinking this mission would be easy. Like fuck it is. At least there's only one more test left and if she passes she'll get shipped straight to spy school - if she wants to of course. Which I can guarantee that she will want to because God help her if she doesn't. She thought that her foster dad's wrath was bad, wait until she sees mine.



Hey guys,

Thanks for reading Assassin so far. I hope you're enjoying it and will comment your thoughts on it so far.

I'd love some criticism too from all of you so that I know how much I need to improve my writing and I'll try my best to write as much as I can before my summer holiday ends and I need to get my ass back to school.

I won't be doing many A/N as I don't want to ruin the story by interrupting too much so remember to comment and vote as you continue reading. Don't worry there's still plenty more coming your way.


The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now