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The bell went and as I was about to leave the classroom, when someone grabbed my arm. It was Leon. "Do you know anywhere good to buy stuff?" he asked causally trying to look innocent. Something felt weird about his question but I simply shrugged it off and played along.

   "You mean the shops?" I said trying not to laugh. He must have noticed because he smiled and I noticed the tiniest of glimmers in his eyes.

    "Oh, so that's what they're called," he said still trying to act all innocent. It wasn't working - not with that growing bruise on the curve of his jaw anyway. Who knew Liam could throw a punch?

"Surprisingly, yes," I sniggered and we both burst out laughing.

"Well do you know where any are?"

"Yeah, I do. Want me to show you?" I asked innocently but Leon wasn't having it.

"Are you asking me out? Coz it sounds like you're asking me out? I'm not sure? I mean what will everyone think if I go out with the weird girl?"

"Well first; EW! Second; everyone thinks you're weird anyway because you stuck up for the weird girl and third; you can't go out with someone that isn't guaranteed tomorrow." Leon stared at me in disbelieve.

"There was absolutely no need for the 'EW!' it hurts you know?" he said pretending to be sad.

"Why do you think I said it?" Leon shrugged his shoulders and I grinned wickedly. "Because I am a mean person."

"So it's not true?" he asked wanting me to say 'yes'. I took a step back and looked him up and down.

"Yeah, your right, you're more of a yuck than a EW," I toyed. Leon however took it as a compliment.

"Wow! A 'yuck' that's the best I've ever gotten!" he joked before hugging me. My heart leapt out of my chest and I squirmed in his arms trying to get away but he had me in bear hug.

There's only one out of those; I tensed my shoulders and pushed my arms apart. Leon hugged tighter but I fought back. I put my hands on his shoulders before pealing him away from me.

"What's wrong?" he asked and I noticed a twinkle in his eye again but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Again, I'm a mean person not a hugs person," I said and he laughed. "Come on, I'll take you to the shops but I'll need to phone home first."

Leon nodded and headed out the school to wait for me outside. I was about to ring my foster home when I fought of Charlie - whenever I was going somewhere after school, I'd always say that I was going with her so that they wouldn't worry -, and realised I had to call her first.

"Hello?" Charlie said down the phone.

"Charlie? Are you at mine?" I said franticly.

"Almost why?" she asked confused.

"I'm not going home and you're my excuse. Please don't go to my house, I'm going to the shopping centre, you'll know what one. Meet me there; just make sure that you don't get seen."

"OK, I'll be there," she said before hanging up. Quickly I phoned my foster home. They said it was fine and that I was to enjoy myself - it was clearly my foster mum - and for once I knew I would.

I made my way out of school and saw Leon sitting on a bench talking to someone. It wasn't the strange boy like normal; this time it was girl. They didn't notice me so I crept back in school and waited until the girl was gone.

I walked out of the school as soon as the girl stood up; I wanted to see her face but by the time I got to the bench she was already gone. "Hey," Leon said when I got to him.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now