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Today seemed to go quite fast compared to yesterday. Leon and I talked more and found out we had a lot in common.

"What about the 'Beatles'?" Leon asked.

"Amazing! But I prefer 'Queen', they're legends" Leon agreed before asking me more music questions. Then it came.

"So why are you wearing all those clothes?" he asked pulling at my oversized jumper sleeve. I sighed and looked him in the eye.

"I meant it you know, that some questions don't need an answer." Leon looked confused but also a little worried. I tried to look deeper but it was like he was blocking me out, just like I was blocking him out. Yeah, we definitely had a lot in common.

"Well answer this one, are you not roasting?" I laughed while nodding and Leon joined in. "If you're so warm why don't you take off a few layers?" I glanced at the floor and he took the hint. "OK, I know, 'some questions don't need to be answered'. Sorry."

"It's fine," I said but he was right. I was boiling and I desperately wanted to take it off, but I was too scared. So I just shrugged off his comment and got on with my work.

I had lasted three whole periods dressed in all these layers. The teachers didn't ask me to take anything off, not even my glasses - they knew the drill. It was fourth period that did the trick. Half way through it I was sweating like a mad woman.

Even though my head was spinning I didn't say or do anything. I couldn't. Not without everyone seeing what was hidden underneath. The teacher asked me a question but I didn't hear it properly, I was too busy falling asleep. Or was I fainting?

"Ava?" It was Leon. He was hovering above me and my teacher was next to me. Everyone else was crowding around not caring about Mr Stringer's warning.

"Ava can you hear me?" I nodded and Mr Stringer carried on. "Can you sit up?" My eyes flew open.

"How am I supposed to know? I haven't tried yet," I mumbled.

"I see that you didn't change your personality, what a shame." Mr Stringer said in his boring plain voice. I made a sad face and he got up on his feet. "Well, come on, sit up." I pulled myself up and clutched my head. "It's OK, it'll pass. Once you can stand without feeling like your spinning, go down to the nurses' office and take..." he stopped talking and glanced around the room. "Leon with you. He's to get out early anyway."

I nodded before clambering to my feet. I felt like I was about to fall and must of looked like it too because Leon held onto my arm to help keep me steady. I stood there for a while, waiting for the dizziness to stop.

"You ready?" Leon asked. I nodded and we left the classroom. "Maybe you should have listened to me and taken off some clothes." I glared at him and he took a step away from me. We got to the nurses' office in no time and for the first time ever, Leon spoke for me.

"Oh right, OK. I'll go get some wet cloths. Ava, you take a seat over there and I'll be right back," the nurse said before scurrying away. I sat down on the seat as Leon sat in the one across from me.

"You don't need to stay here, you know?" I said confused as to why he hadn't ditched me already. I would have.

"I'm not going anywhere until I see what you're trying to hide." He stated. I glared at him but this time he didn't budge. He just looked me in the eye and said "I'm sure it can't be that bad." I sighed.

"That's what I keep telling myself." I looked at the ground then back to Leon. "Fine, I'll show you. But you need to promise you won't tell anyone. And I mean anyone!" Leon nodded his promise.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now