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When I got to English, I showed the note to get out of class early and my teacher; Mr Stringer looked at me in surprise. "Well, Ms Smith, it's good to see that these notes aren't always about you getting into trouble. Let's see if I won't have to write a note today then." I hate Mr Stringer!

He's boring and doesn't teach us anything! What's the point in him being a teacher? Aren't we supposed to learn something in every class? What happened to teachers that teach!? Oh well, I guess I'll surfer even more.

English happily drags to a close - for me at least -, I said about my note and as I left I heard Tina talking about me so... "Oh before I forget, Tina, Leon said he'd like to meet you at the corner shop at lunch."

"OMG! What time at, did he say anything else?" Tina squealed. I kept my face as straight as possible, but underneath I was laughing hysterically.

"No, he didn't say, sorry. I guess you'll just have to stay at the shop and wait for him." I said innocently and walked out of the classroom. I waited until I got the stairs before letting my laugh out, I couldn't stop so I stood in the stairs letting it echo. Five minutes later, I hurried to Mr Smyth's office.

I made it there with a few minutes before the bell so I relaxed and took a seat.  The bell rang and my stomach grumbled right on queue. It was a while before the door clicked open and Leon exited.

He walked out of the office like he was rock star leaving a gig, with all his fans surrounding him. His fans, of course, being the girls that stood outside the office waiting to see him instead of getting food. They squealed and reached to touch him before getting nervous and pulling away.

As I watched from the opposite side of the room I noticed how his top clutched to a six-pack and the short sleeves stretched over his broad shoulders and muscular forearms. His bright blue eyes sparkled in the light and his messed up brown hair slightly shaded his face. I watched him awestruck as he walked towards me. He was getting closer and I looked at every girl hovering around him and thought to myself, no way am I going to be like that.

I waited for Leon to get closer before standing up and I was about to get food when he grabbed my arm and spoke. Seriously he spoke. "Hey, Ava I've got a question. It's been bugging me all day." I looked at him and gestured for him to carry on. "Well I've got two. First how did you know my name, I never told you it? And second why are the girls everywhere I go?" I laughed at his second question but I answered anyway.

"First, I heard you speaking to Mrs Kelly and you said your name was Leon Evans. As for your second question, I have no idea, why don't you ask them?" I left Leon to laugh and shake his head before leading him away to get lunch.

I took Leon to the shop and left him with the boys while I got my food - he insisted he'd get his own -, when I got back Leon was gone. I sighed and looked outside. There was no sign of him but I heard hushed voices so I followed the sound around the shop and came upon two bulky shadows. I crept round the corner my back stuck to the wall and listened. "We need to know soon Alex!" said one of the shadows, I recognised his voice. But from where?

"Give me until tomorrow, I'll know for definite tomorrow. And call me Leon, you'll blow my cover!" I drew in my breath. Leon's name is really Alex? What is going on?

"Fine, Leon. But how are you so sure that you'll know tomorrow?" The roof! That's where I've heard him before. Now I really want to know what's going on.

"Because I've got a plan. I'll ask her to show me around town tomorrow, when she knows me bit better and that's when you come in. You'll try to steal her bag and we'll find out if she can find you. Sound good?" Leon/Alex -whatever his name is- said proudly.

"And if it doesn't work?" said the boy from the roof. Leon/Alex sighed and answered.

"If it doesn't work then she'll know the plan. And if she knows the plan then we'll know she's ready because we never caught her listening to us talk. Simples."  I walked back to the front of the shop, being careful not to be heard by Leon and his friend. I stood at the door and waited for him.

Leon came round shortly after me and was surprised to see me at the door half way through my chicken burger. I quickly swallowed my food before speaking. "Where have you been?" I asked faking my curiosity. Leon smiled briefly before answering.

"Aw, just talking to a boy that lives near me." He lied as easily as anything. I smiled; letting him think that I believed him and asked him if he was getting anything for lunch.

"Nah, I'm not that hungry. Besides it's absolutely packed in there." I looked into the shop. He was right, it was mobbed.

People were pushing and shoving and the ones that had been served were fighting their way out. Everyone at the counter were being squashed and some looked like they were about to pass out. I looked back at Leon and laughed.

"Yeah, just a bit," I said and Leon laughed too. By the time we got back to school, the bell was about to ring and everyone was hunting for their bags that the boys hid. I glanced around the cloakroom (known as the cloakies) and saw my bag in the corner. I went to get it and when I got back to Leon, Tina stormed in.

"I thought you were meeting me at the shop, Leon?" she said her voice breaking. Leon stared at me and my face lit up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I might have... sort of... said that... you'd meet Tina at the shop for lunch." I whispered smiling. "Just go with it." Leon sighed and was trying to apologise to Tina and saying that he'd forgotten, but that made it worse.

"You're telling me that I spent my whole lunch outside a shop in the freezing cold wind waiting for you and you'd forgotten." Leon nodded and Tina got furious. "I feel like a bloody icicle and all you can say is sorry!" She stalked closer to us and I couldn't help but smirk. When she was within touching distance I saw how red her face was and how narrow her eyes were.

I looked at Leon and whispered "Leg it!" He looked down at me and I tilted my head showing the way for him to run. He nodded and darted away while shouting to me asking what class we were in.

"French! Second floor, room 215!" I shouted back, not taking my eyes off Tina.

"Thanks!" and he was gone.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now