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I counted more than ten men coming towards me, - so much for the no more than ten - all of them with different kinds of weapons and all with the same expressions on their faces: anger, amusement, disbelief and hatred. I smiled wearily before trying to run away but one of them caught my arm and threw me back against the wall. Then something amazing happened...

Suddenly there was a bright light and a loud creak as all the doors of the building opened, and Alex, Charlie, Kate, Jake, Charlie's dad and most of my school teachers including Mr Rite strode in - all with different kinds of weapons and all with the same exact expression on their faces, anger, hatred, love and the need to survive. My backup had arrived.

"Hey, uglies! Get away from her and come fight!" Charlie shouted and with a grunt of pleasure all the men turned to face the others - all except two. I stood there for a couple of minutes, waiting for the others to attack first - seemed everyone had that thought - before Mr Rite bellowed at the top of his voice.

"Well, come on then uglies!" and with that everyone charged at one another. It was like a scene out of Braveheart.

One of the two men lunged towards me but I managed to just dodge him, which lead me being closer to the second one. Just like the first guy, he lunged at me but missed placed his footing before falling over. That's when I noticed something. All the men where big and bulky and didn't know how to fight in hand to hand combat. They only knew how to use guns. These idiots were just for show. I could not believe I fell for this.

"Forget this crap," I whispered to myself before punching one of the men in the face. He fell down like a ton of bricks. When the second guy lunged at me again, - I mean seriously, it failed the first time - I grabbed at his jacket collar and threw him head first towards the wall that I was pinned against minutes earlier. Both of them were out cold. Man, they were pathetic. Quickly I scanned the room looking for someone who might need help or someone I could pound with my fist. I found Kate.

Kate was surrounded by four men - still bulky - and looked exhausted. I hurried over to her, making sure to hit some people as I ran. As I got closer I decided to close in on one of the men first.

Silently I sneaked behind one of them and decked him, bringing my fist down on his face as he tumbled to the ground. Kate's face beamed when she saw me. Working as a team, we took down the rest of the men in couple of minutes.

As Kate punched the last one in the gut, I noticed the strength of her hit. When she saw me looking at her hand and the man lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, she laughed and opened up her fist. In her palm laid a pen. "Never leave home without one now," she laughed. But when she looked back up at me the laughing stopped abruptly. "Behind you!" she panicked. I whirled around while taking out a ninja star and threw it at the man running towards us. It wedged itself in his skull, the blood spewing out of both sides of the star. "Ugh, gross!" Kate squealed next to me.

"Come on drama queen," I smirked and we both ran towards another group of men. Similarly to the other group, Kate and I decked the men at the very back of the group and made our way to the middle where two other people were fighting - Charlie and her dad.

When Kate and I finally reached the middle, it felt like a load of bricks had been taken off of my shoulders. Charlie was OK. The four of us formed a tight circle, our backs to each other, fighting the men off a few at a time. "You kids should go now," Charlie's dad shouted above the racket. Charlie, Kate and I were all about to protest when Charlie's dad continued talking. "We adults can handle this; these guys can't fight to save their lives, obviously. You three go, and I'll tell Alex and Jake to go too. I'll catch up with you lot, don't worry. And..." but I cut him off as someone threw some kind of object at us.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now