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As soon as I got home I went to see my foster dad to let him know I was in and to get my beating over and done with. To my surprise he just sent me to my room, no yelling or raised fist. There must have been a social worker in. I did as I was told just to be on the safe side anyway.

As I walked up the stairs I grabbed the phone and called Charlie to tell her about my foster dad's weird behaviour. We talked for ages and once again I didn't realise the time. I heard the living room door creek open so I quickly checked the time. It was half eleven. I was so in trouble - again.

I still had a lot to tell Charlie so I didn't bother hanging up. Not until I heard loud banging footsteps coming up the stairs so I hastily said bye to Charlie and hung up. Not long after my foster dad barged in.

"Did you take the phone?" he asked, his voice slightly raised. I didn't speak I just nodded and handed it to him before standing waiting for either yelling or a fist in the gut. Neither came.

He just said OK and told me to go to bed. Then he left my room and shut the door gently. My jaw fell open as the shock of the not crying myself to sleep washed over me. There's definitely a social worker in.

That night, my dreams consisted only of happy dreams for probably the first time in this house. I didn't dream of shadows chasing me; I didn't dream of faces without facial features; I didn't dream of being tortured; no instead I dreamt of running around with my friends and playing in a play park - I know, it's cheesy but it was a nice dream for a change.

We were all having fun and laughing. It felt so real but like every other dream it ended. However it didn't end badly like some dreams, it was just like I was zooming out of the dream and when I couldn't see anyone anymore I knew the dream was finishing.

I woke up happy and content, early in the morning. Slowly I sat up before checking the time on my alarm clock. 7:45am. As if I was getting up that early n a Saturday morning. I fell back onto my bed and rolled onto my side before drifting into another nice dream.

My foster dad woke me up at 9:15am with the phone in his hand. I took the phone off of him smiling and a little dazed. "Hello?" I said stifling a yawn.

"Ava? Where are you?" a male voice said down the phone. Alex? I bolted up on my bed when I realised that I had made plans with Alex and that other boy, what was his name again? Oh yeah, Jake.

"Erm... my bed?" I hesitated. Alex sighed over the phone and I almost smiled. Almost.

"Well get out of bed, get dressed and get your butt down here!" he barked. I rolled out of bed and walked to my wardrobe.

"OK, OK, don't get your knickers in a twist," I said grabbing some clothes and placing them on my bed. "Oh, one more thing, where exactly have I to take my butt?" I could tell Alex was trying to hold in a laugh because Jake began speaking a few minutes after I asked the question.

"Just get on a bus and stay on it until you see us standing at another bus stop." He replied but it wasn't the best answer.

"OK, but what bus? I mean there are lots of buses and they don't all go the same places, I need a number or a name. It would help, a lot."

"Argh! You make things so difficult! Just get whatever bus that brings you to us."

"And where exactly are you?"

"You'll know what bus to get OK," Jake said trying to sound mysterious but instead sounded creepy. I was about to protest when the line went dead.

Great. I have no idea what bus to get and they hung up on me. Oh well, instead of worrying I got washed and dressed before running downstairs, putting the phone away and grabbing a slice of toast. I said my goodbyes and went for the bus - which I still didn't know what one to get.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now