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"Charlie what's happening? Did I just hear a gun? Charlie!" I hissed both angrily and worriedly into my units. I had found the side exit with little difficulty and was looking around for Ava. That's when I heard the two shots. And I'm not being answered.

"Charlie, answer me or so help me..." I trailed off as her voice vibrated through my ear.

"She fired the shots and now they've seen her."

"Why would she use a bloody gun without a silencer - have we not taught her better than that?" I exclaimed - quietly. "We need back-up and fast. Has everyone else arrived yet?"

"Yes, stay where you are and Jake will meet you. I'll give word when everyone is in place and we'll barge in, guns ablaze. But I need a minute or two to stop them from over-hacking my system. We need to keep as many of them busy for the time being as we can,"  Charlie replied and I heard frantic typing in the background.

"OK, just don't be too long."

"When do I ever take long hacking? Have you already forgotten the United Air assignment?"

"No, and stop being smug about it, you weren't supposed to let them think it was the work of a hacker," I reminded her.

"Hey, they think it was, they don't have prove. Anyway Jake should be nearing you and I'm almost done here so be ready in five," she said before clicking off. 

"Hey Alex, is everything OK?" Jake asked as he rounded the corner. "I thought I heard gun shots but no one was replying."

"Yeah, apparently Ava shot someone and now they've found her so we need to wait a few minutes before we charge in and kick some bad guy ass."

"Why would she use a gun?"

"That's what I said!" I replied and we shared a quick, low laugh before out units crackled.

"OK, everyone in position?" Charlie asked. There was a mumble of yeses in reply before she spoke again. "OK, then in three, two, one..."

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now