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When I reached my bedroom door I realised that I was still touching my lips and smiling. How long have I been daydreaming? I got changed and crawled into bed, ready for the amazing dreams that I was sure to have. Only they never came.

I gasped awake at half five in the morning sweat pouring from me and my pyjamas sticking to my skin. My dream involved being tied up, guns, ugly faces and dying friends. I had to make a decision and I had to make it fast – prepare for what's to come and possibly watch the people I have come to love, in many different ways, get hurt or stop the daydreaming and go back to normal, the loner I was born to be.

After a large glass of water I climbed back into bed and was about to fall asleep again when my phone vibrated next to me. It was a message from Charlie, 'See you tomorrow for training, get ready to feel the agonising pain xoxo'. 

 My decision just got a whole lot easier.

When I didn't turn up for training Charlie was the first to call me.

"What's up, you are alive aren't you?"

"I'm fine Charlie," I replied munching some crisps.

"Then why didn't you come today, there has to be a reason for that, are you getting held against your will?"

"There is a reason and it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm done with it, no more spy nonsense."

"What!" she shrieked down the phone bursting my ear drum in the process.

"I'm done, finished, no more, stopped, leaving, do you understand now?"

"You can't just stop! You're in danger so you're just going to quit?" she stammered.

"I can and I have, I told you I'd give it a try and I have; now I'm done."

"Will you at least still hang out with us?" She asked giving up on stopping me from quitting.

"No," I whispered.

"But Ava, what about me or Craig or Alex – he likes you, Ava you can't..." I cut her off.

"I'm sorry Charlie but I can, tell them something that won't hurt their feelings and give Craig a hug for me, but I can't hang around with you or talk to you or even look in your direction; I can't be your friend anymore, bye," I said stuffing the rest of the crisp in my mouth and hung up the phone. It's for the best, I'm sorry.

I did everything I could to ignore my ex-friends, mostly by staying at home and skipping school. For the first week I got nonstop phone calls and texts but I didn't answer any of them and I sat in my room, the curtains closed, wrapped in a cover, crying over my choice – even though I knew it was the only way to protect them. I felt lost without them but I couldn't bear to involve them again, this is my problem, not theirs. They don't need dragged into it.

I had managed to stay off school for two weeks and a few days before my aunt practically dressed me and forced me out of the house into the car and drove me to school. I was then shoved out of the car at the school gates and left on the pavement. I looked up at the pale blue sky and prayed that Alex wouldn't be in and that I wouldn't be bothered at all. My prayers weren't answered. Not even one.

I saw Alex first; he was leaning against a wall near the door, scanning the crowd for me. Quickly I made my way around the back of the school and entered through there. I made my way to my locker and got my things before heading towards the lunch hall - hassle free. I grabbed a bottle of water and paid when Tina strutted towards me, calling out my name.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now