Author's Note

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Thanks for reading The Assassin, the first book of the Denied Spies series (yeah, I changed the name). I hope you enjoyed it and it didn't bore the pants off you.

I'm not going to lie, it's going to be a while for the following books in the series to be written nevermind published on this since I start school soon so just bare with. I will also be trying out different genres to find out what suits me best but I promise to continue this series until I run out of ideas for it.

If you enjoyed my book then please vote and comment on your favourite chapters and tell me who you're favourite character(s) is/are. I'd also love it if I received some criticism from you lot so that I know how to improve my writing and make my books more enjoyable for you.

I apologise if there were some things you didn't understand in my book but that's because I tried to put some Scottish jokes and things into it as I'm Scottish and I don't do the whole American-English thing. Also I apologise for any grammar mistakes, I don't tend to edit my books until I've finished writing them. 

Thanks for reading,


PS. if it seemed a little cheesy and kiddish that's because I wrote this when I was fourteen and I tried to make a little more grown up but I couldn't do much to it without changing a lot of the book and well, I'm too lazy for that.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now