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I stopped a couple of streets away from the headquarters and casually walked towards the rows of houses, like I was going home. As I walked through the streets I looked at all the houses and cars, there was hardly any lights on and the street was so quiet, it was like a ghost town.

I made my way to a house that was tucked in a corner, out of view of everything. I knocked the door a couple of times but there was no movement or noise from inside. I smiled to myself.

Quickly and quietly I headed for the car that was parked in the drive, I picked open the door before climbing inside. It was nice small car, all leather inside and smelled fresh, new maybe. Slowly I looked around the street before hot-wiring the engine. It didn't work the first time but I kept trying until there was a nice purr-like noise from the engine.

Carefully I reversed down the drive before driving out the street, making sure to look out for witnesses. There was none. Odd. A little bit freaked out by the quietness of the street at noon on a Saturday, I drove a little bit faster. I sat back in the car casually as if I owned it and made my way to Charlie's house.

I parked the car outside Charlie's house and ran to her door. I chapped a few times before her dad came answered. "Ava, come in, come in, what can I help you with, do I need to return a car by any chance?" he asked eyeing up the car outside.

"Not yet, but I do need something." Charlie's dad stared at me urging me to go on. "Do you have any tracking chips?" I asked feeling a little bit stupid that I'm asking someone for a tracking device but Charlie's dad acted as if he's been asked that questions every day of his life.

"Sure I'll be right back," and he went into his office. A few minutes later he signalled for me to follow him. I stood in the door way awkwardly, watching Charlie's dad move papers, books, etc. from his desk to a small couch that sat along a side wall of the room. 

Once his desk was cleared, Charlie's dad put his hand underneath it and with a flick of a finger the table-top rose to show a glass box attached to its bottom filled with different kinds of devices. He opened one side of the glass box and took out a clear plastic bag with tiny bugs – not real bugs. Trackers.

"You do have the iPad?" Charlie's dad asked his eyebrow raised. I shook my head while smiling.

"I don't need the iPad," I replied putting the trackers in my pocket and there was no questions asked. I said my goodbyes and was about to leave when Charlie's dad called me back. 

When I turned back around the desk was back to normal, no glass box and covered in papers and books again. But there was one thing that was different. Charlie's dad stood one hand on the desk, the other by his side, staring at a removable coffee stain. He sighed a little before looking at me.

"Ava, look after my kids, I didn't want this life for them, that's why I keep it hidden. Or at least try too. And whatever you do, do not tell anyone about the desk or the library."

"I promise to protect them with my life and I promise to keep this and any other hiding places you have a secret to the day I die." I replied my hand over my heart. When Charlie's dad nodded and gave a weary smile, I asked a question that was swirling around in my head. "Out of curiosity what's hiding in the library?"

Charlie's dad gave a small chuckle before answering, "Guns."

After my little visit with Charlie's dad, I left his house and headed to the park at the end of the street. Once I was settled on a swing I took out my phone and keyed in one of the tracker numbers into the tracker app and switched it on along with my unit – making sure to keep it hidden from the others. Charlie's unit was already reconnected. I didn't hear anything but a crackle at first before a loud shout came through almost bursting my ear drum.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now