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As I started walking Mrs Kelly piped up "Oh, Ms Smith would please take the new boy, Mr Evan to the head teacher's office please. I need to get Mr Brown cleaned up." I sighed but nodded.

I walked on and heard fast footsteps coming up behind me and I wanted to spin on however it was. But the giggling from my left told me not to. It was the new boy. I headed towards Mr Smyth's office when I realised there are two head teachers, for different years. What one was I meant to go to? I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

I retraced my steps and shouted for Mrs Kelly. When she turned round she asked what was wrong and I noticed the confusion in her voice and on her face. "What head teacher have I to go to? Mr Rite or Mr Smyth?" Mrs Kelly looked at me blankly so I carried on. "I always get sent to Mr Smyth, but I've to take him," I said pointing towards the new boy. "So do I go to Mr Smyth as normal or do I take him to Mr Rite, our years head teacher?"

Mrs Kelly thought this over for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion. "Mr Rite, I believe Mr Smyth is busy today." I nodded and headed off again, down the corridor to Mr Rite's office. As I walked I noticed the new boy standing in the corner looking as confused as Mrs Kelly.

"Are you coming?" I asked still walking, bored already. When he made no sign of movement I stopped and looked at him. "I am talking to you, you know?" but he was too busy looking at all the girls. I sighed and carried on walking. It wasn't long before I heard him running after me again.

We walked in silence through the school, dodging and ducking past people and lockers. At one point I thought I had lost him but as I stopped to check, I saw him at the other side of the room, staying clear of the girls. I couldn't blame him; they're a bunch of idiots when it comes to a new boy that doesn't know them yet – actually they're just idiots. The new boy did his best to stay away from them but the more he dodged, the more came to try and catch him. I stood at the door waiting to see if he needed any help. But he seemed fine so I just relaxed and enjoyed the show.

He was doing well, a few girls started surrounding him but he still managed to get away. Gradually he made his way toward the door that I was standing at. He was so close when Tina came out from nowhere. I couldn't help but smile, he was in for it now. Now the show's getting interesting.

Tina always gets exactly what she wants, not something similar, cheaper or smaller. Nope, she gets exactly what she wants, whenever she wants it. And right now she wants the new boy. "Hi, I'm Tina," she said sweetly, "What's your name?"

The new boy just looked at her like she was nothing. Tina however didn't understand that this time she wasn't getting what she wanted, not even anything close to it.

I looked at the clock stuck on the wall and when I looked back at Tina and the new boy, I couldn't help but laugh. Tina had her hand running down the boys arm, batting her eyelids at him. The new boy however was looking at me, desperately mouthing "Help!"

I looked at the clock once more. We still had ten minutes to go before the bell. I couldn't leave him with Tina for that long, he's suffered enough already. Tina was doing everything she could to get the new boy to say something but he looked at me, his eyes begging me to help him. I rolled my eyes and went over to them. The new boy smiled when he saw me going over but Tina wasn't too happy.

"Hi Tina, I was wondering if I could steal the new boy, Leon, I think his name is?" I looked at the new boy to check if I got his name right. When he nodded I carried on, "Anyway, Mrs Kelly asked me to take Leon to Mr Rite. I'm positive you can carry on getting to know each other at break but we really need to get going before the bell. Mr Rite has to do the assembly today because Mr Smyth is busy. And Mrs Kelly made that very clear." I said as polite as I could.

Angrily Tina nodded and walked away. "Shall we?" I asked one last time and Leon nodded. We walked to the door and as we went through I said sarcastically "Oh, and this time, try getting friends that won't hold you captive. School might sometimes be like the jungle so just like the wild, stay away from the hunters and you'll be fine." Leon smiled and laughed and I couldn't help but join in.  

Finally we made it to Mr Rite's office but there was still a crowd of people in front of the door. Carefully I walked to the side of the room and Leon followed. We walked along the wall and were only a few metres away when Leon got noticed... again. "Hey, you! Aye, you, I haven't seen you before. What's your name?" said a rather large 5th year.

Leon looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. How I was supposed to help, I don't fight or talk with older people unless they start first. But Leon just kept staring at me and that's why I went against my rule. "Aw, have you already got a wee girlfriend?" said the 5th year. Leon reluctantly took his eyes off me and stared at the 5th year that had the biggest smirk on his face ever.

Leon just shook his head and looked at the ground. I however looked at the 5th year bewildered. He clearly wasn't going anywhere so I decided to speed things up. "I've to take him to Mr Rite before the bell goes because he's got to do assembly."

"Why you?" asked the 5th year suspiciously, one eyebrow raised. I sighed but answered anyway.

"Mrs Kelly asked me because I was already going to Mr Rite's office; well actually I was going to Mr Smyth's because that's where I usually get sent." The 5th year just looked at me and I answered his question just as it started forming on his lips. "I got in a fight."

"With who? Who won? Surely not you, you're just a girl," the 5th year said and me being me, took offense. In one swift motion I kneed the 5th year in the grouch and he collapsed to the ground before crouching in a ball.

"Yeah, I won!" I said before everyone crowded around the 5th year. I managed to sneak away when everyone was laughing at the boy I left on the floor. Quietly I made my way to Mr Rite's door and knocked twice. I waited for a little while but it wasn't long before Mr Rite opened his door.

"My goodness what's hap..." He stopped mid-sentence and looked down at me. "Ava, what have you done now?" he asked unimpressed.

"Me? Why, I didn't do anything Mr Rite, scouts honour," I said innocently.

"Girls do not go to scouts, Ms Smith," Mr Rite was really unimpressed now but I simply looked up at him and tried my best to look shocked.

"Then what have I been going to?" I asked letting shock take over my voice. Mr Rite just laughed at me before asking why I was really there. "Well first, I was to bring to the new boy to see you and second, you guessed it! I got in a fight with Liam Brown, but it wasn't my fault! He played the foster care card, and well I flipped."

"OK, where's the new boy and I'll deal with him first?" I pointed at the Leon. He was standing with the 5th year, helping him up. Mr Rite looked at me and I saw the question in his eyes.

"Oh, yeah! I might have, kind of, kneed him in a rather unpleasant area," I said pointing to the 5th year that was still doubled over on the floor.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now