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I followed Mr Smyth to his office not knowing if he knew my true identity or not. Obviously I couldn't blow it in case he didn't know but surely the other headteacher would have mentioned it. Unless of course they haven't discussed me yet. But since I'm involved with Ava - sort of anyway - wouldn't Mr Rite make sure to talk to Mr Smyth about me as soon as he entered the building? I don't know man.

"Take a seat boy," Mr Smyth said as we entered his office. It was a lot neater than Mr Rite and there didn't seem to be as much papers on his desk either. I took a seat on the small run down sofa that sat along the window while he sat down on his pulp seat at his desk.

"So boy, do I call you Leon or Alex?" Good he's caught up.

"I'd prefer Alex but since I'm undercover call me Leon, and what do I call you Smyth or Carver?"

"I like a man that's done his homework, pun not intended. Now, I've been informed that you are here to see if Ms Smith is ready, may I ask what she is being tested for?"

"To see if she's ready to attend Spy School obviously."

"Why now? Why not from the beginning? Wasn't she brought here so that she could have a normal life - as her mother wished? Will she have an option?" he asked rapidly.

"Yes she has a choice and we were told that if anything were to happen to someone that knows about her, we were to bring her in - for her safety," I replied.

"Ah yes, I forgot about your father, sorry to here about that."

"You weren't supposed to here about it," I replied coldly before composing myself.

"Well, how do you expect to test her? How will you know if she's ready? And most importantly, how are you going to tell her that her life's a lie without causing her to go insane?"

"We have came up with little tests like knocking over a bottle to test her reflexes - which are excellent, she saw the bottle in science fall before I even touched it. We'll know when she's ready when she nails all the tests and we have no idea how to tell her or how she'll react. Not even the one we've got on inside knows how she'll react - she bottles herself up too much."

"That's Ava alright, still, she's pretty bad-ass though. I mean her fighting skills are just superb, if she had just moved her hand down and to left a little she could have easily dislocated if not broke Liam Brown's jaw this morning. Tremendous." He sounded like a proud father for a minute there.

"I'm sure that she was aware of that and if he had said worse than that foster care comment I'm sure she would have done it," I nodded in agreement of her strength and fighting skills.

"Right well, it's almost lunch time so Ava should be here shortly so we should probably talk about other things until she arrives just in case she eavesdrops on us - she tends to do that a lot," Mr Smyth said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Good idea, any nice places around here to eat?"

"The cafeteria's always open this time of day." I raised both eyebrows up to him in the universal sign of seriously, don't answer me with sarcasm. Mr Smyth laughed just as the bell went.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now