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"What do you want Jake?" I asked answering my phone.

"I just wanted an update on Ava, how did she cope today, how did you two get along?" Jake replied.

"She's alive, doesn't that count as an update?"

"Dude, come on stop acting like idiot, it's totally obvious that you like her. Even Kate says so. Get it together and start actually working with her. After all she makes you smile."

"She does not make me smile, I smile all the time - I'm just acting like the nice guy that finds her funny so that she doesn't shut us out," I insisted.

"Pfft, lie all you want. I know how you feel about her and I know how you feel about that."

"And how exactly would I feel if I liked her?" I asked my voice taking on a bored tone.

"You hate yourself for liking the person that could end up saving or killing your dad. But most importantly you are happy and slightly excited when you're with her which makes you angry but also thankful because she takes your mind off of your dad," he replied in an equally bored voice.

"Whatever Jake, that's bull and I'm done - stop talking shit about how feel about that pain in my ass, Ava."

"She'd only be a pain if she meant something to you and the fact that you keep talking about her instead of just hanging up on me also means that you want to participate in this conversation..." Jake said until I hung up on him - thought that I should have taken his advice for once. As soon as I hung up my phone started vibrating again.

"Jake, I'm done with this conversation, I hung up for a bloody reason. I do not like Ava, she's a pain in my bloody ass. What don't you understand about that?" I moaned into my phone.

"Erm, the fact that I'm not Jake," a female voice replied.

"Oh, right, erm... Who is this?"

"Luckily not Ava, God Alex - you need to be more careful. It's Charlie you muppet."

"Phew, that was a close one. What do you want Charlie?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck. "You're not going to start talking about my so-called feelings for Ava too are you?"

"That's Jake's job," she sighed on the phone. "I'm phoning to tell you all about Ava's new auntie. Yup, you heard me right, someone has come along and says that she's Ava's aunt and if Ava is right, then this woman is none other than the wacko behind everything."

"Wait what?" I exclaimed.

"Do you never listen? I bet you listen when Ava talks to you." I could sense her smirk at the other end of the call. "The mastermind that we're after is saying that Ava is her niece and Ava is meant to move in with her like next month or something. We need to get her in that school A.S.A.P and I mean ASAP."

"OK, OK, I'll work it out with Rite, but if Ava goes there then she'll have to do it in secret - no boarding school scholarship or anything like that."

"Then how will she get there?" Charlie asked.

"I guess we could make it look like she was going to her normal school then take her to Spy School," I replied with a question.

"Or we could just keep using the garage Head Quarters until she can get away from the bitch?" Charlie offered a solution.

"I'll mention both options to Rite, bye Charlie."

"Bye Alex. Oh and I hope you have nice dreams of Ava - I don't want to know about them though," she said smugly before hanging up. 

Why the hell does everyone think I like Ava - like I said she's a pain in my bloody ass and I so do not have time to deal with her crap. I'm only here to protect her because if she's not safe then neither is my dad.

I glanced at the clock on my bedroom wall - 11:30pm. Well it's too late to talk to Rite now, guess I could wait until the morning. I climbed into my bed and just as I started to drift to sleep Ava popped into my head. I hate Charlie and her stupid comments.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now