14. They Found Us

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*The Government People*

They were on their way to find the kids. They were on the highway, almost to the cabin. The man in the bulletproof vest stood up. He sighed, "Men, this is one of the dangerous missions you will ever be in. These people aren't normal, if they try to harm us then it's open fire but if not do not shoot." Everyone nodded and said a very deep, "Yes Sir!" Then everyone went quiet for the rest of the ride.


Claire walked into the door. As soon as she walked in she heard everyone screaming at each other. Her jaw dropped. Colton walked in right after her and stopped. His jaw dropped as well. Claire stood on the table, "Stop it! All of you! Stop! You guys are acting like little kids! Now stop!" She yelled and everyone went quiet. Colton stood on the table with her, "We need to pack up now." After he said that everyone started grabbing their belongings and threw them in their bags. It only took ten minutes for everyone to get packed. After they were done they grabbed their belongings and carried them to the car. Always looking for people who look suspicious.

*Government People*

They got to where they first seen the phone location and stopped. All of the men got out of the van and walked towards the wooden cabin. Quietly they surrounded it. They could hear people talking. They heard things like, "Come on, hurry up! They will be here any minute." Then another person responded with, "Sorry, it will only be a minute. I knew I had my shoe right here." Then they heard about eight people sigh. The man in the vest walked forward, towards the door. He quietly stepped on the wooden step and opened the door.


Claire stood there tapping her foot on the wooden floor. "Hurry up Brendan. Seriously." Claire turned her head quickly as she heard the door open.


The man in the vest opened the door open a little bit more. Claire froze. She knew it was them. Almost immediately she grabbed a metal, foldable chair and folded it up. She walked toward the door and as soon as the man stepped forward she stung the chair. Hitting him on the top of the head. He dropped to the floor. Unconscious. Everyone stared at him for a couple of minutes then one of the military men spoke, "They harmed one of us! Open fire!" Everyone in the cabin dropped to the floor as the military men fired their weapons rapidly. Claire spoke, "Brendan we need you too help us. You need to use your power to make a wave of water over them then force it down on them." Brendan sighed. "Okay. I have to stand up though." Brendan stood up and used his hands to make a weird gesture. After that a wave formed. The military men looked up. Frightened. Brendan held the wave there for a minute or two. One of the men sprinted forward with a knife in his hand. He ran up to Brendan and jabbed him right in the side. Colton ran up behind the man and got him in a choke hold. Brendan forced the wave onto the people then fell to the ground. Callie ran over to Brendan and started to cry. "I should of seen that coming. I knew I should've.." Claire ran over to Callie as Callie dropped down on her knees. Claire grabbed her arms and lifted her up. "Callie please. I can't help him now. He's already gone." Callie stood up straight and grabbed a 9mm pistol that was from the man in the vest and walked out the door. She seen all of the military men laying on the ground, gagging. She put the gun up to one of the men's head and pulled the trigger. She watched as the man laid there, blood spilling everywhere. Claire walked up to Callie and picked up another pistol off the ground. They both walked around the beach, shooting the every man that was there. Making sure that every one of them died.

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