Memories Of A Broken Heart

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*Lizzy's POV*

So, uh Tyler and I are going to see Crown The Empire for the first time! I couldn't believe it when he said that he bought the tickets for our favorite band!! Well... He likes them, but not as much as me! I love him.. but not in that way. He's like a brother to me We've known each other since the third grade. I was the first one to speak up to him and be his friend...I mean.. He's all I have left. Literally. I'll never forget what he did for me.

Tyler and I didn't live far from each other, we lived just around the block. I had a crappy bike to use to get there and back, but it was okay. Some nights, I'd sneak through his window just to get some actual comfort and shelter and stay away from my dad as much as possible... It's not like he cared anyway..

For 16 years, I had to live with my dad, who was a fucking asshole. I can't remember the last time I ever smiled when I was with him. All I remember was going to bed & crying for 2 hours straight each night. I remember some nights, he'd come home drunk or drugged and would start beating me and my mom. He didn't care if we were hurt or bleeding to death. Some of the times I could hear him laughing like a maniac as he was beating us. Other times, he'd even bring girls who were younger than I was into the house. My mom and I had to go to hotels sometimes because we didn't want to be anywhere near my dad or his bullshit. Oh my mother and I... were inseparable. She and I did everything together. She was the reason I could stay. I didn't want to see her go through the hell she had to endure from my dad alone.

After she died from a heart attack when I was 10, I went berserk. I thought my head was going to burst. I had to find a place to stay, of course. My grandparents died when I was 9, so I couldn't live with them, and my whole family thinks I'm nothing more than a whore or worthless pile of shit because of what happened when I was 14.

My ex boyfriend Aiden and I were together not even a year and he was the type of person who controlled everything I did, said, and... you get the rest. Tyler told me he had a negative feeling about Aiden and tried to warn me of everything. Of course I didn't listen because I was too "in love" with him.. Anyway, Aiden was a junior when I was a freshman. Luckily he got to graduate a year early. That summer he graduated we hung out almost every single day..

When we first started dating, he was so sweet and kind. A few months into our relationship, I began to notice a couple of things I haven't seen before. Aiden would come pick me up from my dad's house and he'd reek of cigarettes and beer. My dad wouldn't notice because he was either too drunk, too drugged or he just didn't care. Aiden would hit me when things didn't go the way HE wanted it or if i did things he didn't approve of... Other times he'd track me to see where I am and what I'm doing..

One night, when I was hanging out at Tyler's house for a little get together, I heard Aiden yelling my name, telling me to get outside right away.. Before I said goodbye to Tyler, I went to check on him. "Text me!" He shouted, waving goodbye to me.

"What the hell are you doing, huh?" Aiden snapped, "You sleazing around behind my back with some fucking pussy?" I was in shock. "Aiden, you know I--" I stammered before I was hit against the concrete.

15 minutes later, I felt myself being dragged against the sidewalk by 4 more of his buddies. "It's time you know who owns you, little girl," Aiden said, undoing his clothes.
  His buddies were doing the same thing. I couldn't move, scream, or hear anything... All I did was lay there and felt every single one of them hurt me.. I was raped and left for dead. I didn't want to wake up the next morning or the day after that.. I just wanted to die.

I don't remember what exactly happened after that, because I was unconscious and in the hospital for about a week and a half. However, I do remember someone walking in, giving me white and red roses every weekend. It was Tyler. He told me everything that happened:

"What... h-h-happened?" I stuttered in pain.
"Lizzy... you've been in the hospital for about a week. Doctors said you'll be home in a few days," Tyler whispered softly, holding my hand, "Aiden and a couple of his friends... they all raped you."
"I know.."
"You won't have to see him anymore."

I could feel myself about to cry a waterfall. Tyler said that he somehow got evidence of Aiden and his friends that night and called 9-1-1 right before HE was beaten to death. He told me how 6 police cars, 2 ambulances and other people came out to help us both. Aiden and his friends were arrested and charged for sexual assault and harassment and they were sentenced to 15 1/2 years in prison. It's not long , but at least they're there.

"Thank you so much Tyler," I said, hugging him softly.
"You're welcome, Lizzy," he replied, "I'll always be here for you."

If it weren't for Tyler and his heroic actions, we would've both died that night. I was so grateful to call him one of my best friends..

After I turned 17, I moved out of my dad's house. I didn't care and I did not look back. I was just so relieved to get out of that awful place I called a home..

    "You okay, Liz?" Tyler asked, looking at me with confusion.

"Yes!" I replied, "I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

Not going to lie, I was pretty damn nervous. Every 8 seconds, I was checking myself to see if I looked good and to retouch my hair & makeup.

"Well don't be" He said, "It's your 21st birthday! You're suppose to be having fun! And stop messing with yourself; you look fine! Oh, by the way...." I could hear the music softly in the background.

"What is it, Tyler?" I asked.


He smiled really wide and pointed to the venue where Crown The Empire was performing tonight.

I turned and looked... Only to see a building with blue letters that said, "House Of Blues."

I screamed with happiness causing Tyler to jump & laugh.

But seriously.. He's right..

I'm suppose to be having a great time tonight. This is my birthday gift. I don't want anything to go wrong. We're going to have the time of our lives tonight!!

***20-30 minutes passed by***

Tyler put the car in park. "We're here," he said as he got out, opened the door for me, and helped me out.

My heart was beating rapidly.. I was shaking. I grabbed Tyler's hand squealing really loud.

"Hahaha you're welcome, Lizzy!" Tyler said hugging me back tightly.

Thank you, Tyler. Thank you so much.

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