One Late Night // Taken

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*Brandon POV*

March 19th, 2015, 5:07 am. It's been almost 2 and a half weeks and we haven't had any luck. I am trying not to lose any hope but i feel myself starting to give up...

Before Lizzy went missing, I tried to get something out of her that night when we went home from D&B. I remember seeing her up late at night in the kitchen, drinking whiskey out of the bottle. I remember this like it was yesterday..


*still Brandon POV*

"Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked, moving my hand on top of hers.
"What about?" she snapped, jerking her hand away from mine. I could smell the whiskey on her breath.
"Calm down, Liz. I just want to know what that was earlier. You know you can tell me anyth—" she interrupted, "No I can't, brandon. You don't understand me, or know anything about me. Even if I could tell you anything I just can't. Just fucking drop it, okay?" I could hear soft sniffles through her sips of whiskey. I took the bottle away from her and held her face gently.
"Lizzy, I'm not trying to hurt you. I just want to know if someone hurt you before or if something happened that you're too afraid to tell me about. I know it's a lot to ask but please. I'll keep an open mind."

She tensed up. Her eyes started pouring out tears. I could tell this is what she needed to do.

" I don't think I ever told you about my father or my ex-boyfriend both being abusive to me.." She grabbed my hand and held it tightly.
" It all started when I was around 10 years old. My mom had a heart attack and died a little after.. I didn't even wanna live with myself knowing that I would have to be living with my dad full time. There were times where my dad would come home drunk and beat us both until one of us was covered with bruises or spitting blood all over the place." I could feel my blood run through my veins.
"I am so sorry that you had to go through that, babe—" I was cut off again.
"That's not the worst part about anything I am telling you now.." She looked at me with her mascara running down her face.. Her eyes were so puffy from crying. "When I was 14 years old, I remember one day, I was coming home from Tyler's house. One thing he always told me was that if I were in danger or if I didn't feel safe in any way, that I'd have a place to stay. I remember that night that I was leaving, my ex boyfriend, Aiden, was waiting across the street... He saw me coming out of Tyler's house and assumed I was cheating on him... I could tell he was drunk from the way he was talking to me, but then he got so angry to where he punched me so hard i hit the concrete.. 3 more of his friends came out of the vehicle and they started beating on me, eventually raping me, one by one.. I was left on the concrete for dead for at least 15 minutes before I heard an ambulance in the distance... I don't remember anything else from that night, but Brandon... This is something that I need you to keep between us. Don't tell any of the guys. I told Tyler a long time ago because he's my best friend and he took care of me after this.."

I could feel her lean in to kiss my cheek but I backed away.. The things that she told me about her ex and her father got me so angry to the point where I walked out of the house, crying. I sat down in the driveway for a good while, until I felt a hand upon my shoulder.

"I figured that was something you didn't want to hear," Lizzy whispered, "But I promise you. Everything is going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere." I could feel her hands wipe away my tears. She was just so pure and beautiful. "Lizzy.." I whispered, "Nothing is going to happen to you.. I promise, for the time that we are together, i won't let anything happen to you... I love you so much, baby."

   "Brandon, I..." She paused for a quick second and then she gasped. In the blink of an eye, we saw a few big guys in an SUV speeding towards us. "What the fuck", I mumbled. Eventually, the car was parked and four large men got out.
   Once I saw them get out of the car, it was on.
"Lizzy, run as fast as you can", i said, "I'll hold them off." Before I knew it, one of the guys punched me in my face and I hit the ground, bleeding. I could hear Lizzy yell my name very faintly before I eventually passed out.
I felt like a day went by when I woke up, but I checked my watch, it said 9:47 am. Tree found me in the middle of the driveway, bleeding out of my mouth.
"Dude what the fuck happened?!" he shouted, "Where's Lizzy?!"
I couldn't remember anything throughout the night but then, the memory of her trying to free herself struck my mind.
"They.... they... took....h..her.." I said weakly. I could hear hysterical weeps coming from someone.

"LIZZZYYYYYYYYY!" Tyler yelled. He broke down in the grass and then neighbors start coming to our rescue. Eventually, the police came and wrote down everything I remembered.

**2 hours passed and I was still pretty weak, until i finally snapped. This meant war.**

"I'm going after her," i yelled, "Come with me or not, but i'm going after her. I know we can do this."
"I'm coming as well," Tyler said, "She's my best friend. I swear if Aiden is involved in this I'll kill the bastard."
"We're all going, bro," I heard Tree shout, "We're gonna bring her home."

When I find these people, i'm going to kill them, i thought.

They're not gonna go down without a fight..

Hang tight, baby.. I'm coming..

*Lizzy POV*

"Brandon.... h.. hurry.. they've got m.. me..."

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