Author's note 3

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Hey everyone! I can't believe it's been 4 YEARS! Oh my goodness!! I am so sorry I stopped where I did and kept y'all in suspense and I apologize! Lol.

I will try to leave off as best I can to try and match the story::

So, there is still no sign from Lizzy and the guys are still searching for her. Brandon's as worried as ever but he is not giving up.  fast forward to a few weeks after Dave finds Benn's hidden departure letter.
  David and his girlfriend Taylor separated after 5 years of being together and he's decided that he's taking a break from the band.... For a long time. The guys are upset but they're even more upset when they're still searching for Lizzy.

Where could she be? Who could be holding her captive? What's so secret about her past that she didn't want to tell Brandon?

Stay tuned!

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