Hell Is For Lizzie

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*Lizzy POV*

"Dad.. why.." I mumbled, "Why are you doing this to me.." I sat there and backed up against the wall, as far as I could. He kneeled down in front of me and I felt him move his hand towards my chest, then to my stomach.
   "You think i'm gonna let another man try to take you away from me?", my father grunted, "No way, little girl. You're staying with me for good now. And if you can't deal with that, then maybe ———-" As he paused his sentence, he signaled his hand and two other men walked in.

One of them was tall, yet very skinny. His boots were muddy and his shirt was torn. Those tattoos, I thought, they look so familiar. The other man was a bit heavier, he wore overalls and steel toe boots and he reeked of liquor and cigarettes.. "Maybe they can help you deal with it."

"Aiden...?" I shuddered, "Michael...?" My heart was pounding out of control. Michael was one of my dad's old friends who would come by and molest me and my mom from time to time... The fact that he's still alive sickens me.. But no more than Aiden being alive...
"Long time, no see," Aiden said softly, as he caressed my torso and held me tightly, "Oh how i've missed you." I smelt the Jack on his breath and the Marlboro on his shirt. I could feel tears rolling down my face as his hands went underneath my bra. I couldn't do anything since my hands were tied.. Brandon.. where are you..

What the fuck is happening....

*Brandon POV*

What if I'm too late.. Brendan hasn't given us any information on Lizzy for 5 days.. And for 5 days, we've been staying in a little town in Missouri called Rolla.. I feel like we should just go home.. I feel like I failed Lizzy and I failed everyone else..
"Brandon," Tyler said as he put his hand on my shoulder, "How are you holding up?"
"Dude, i'm not in the best shape right now. When I find out where she is I swear I'm gonna——" Tree and Brent interrupted me.
My heart started racing I ran over to them to look at what Brendan found. Tyler was crying tears of joy and the guys were high giving each other. As soon as I saw the location, I got a call..


Well, well, well. So you're the knight in shining armor..
Who the hell is this?
Yeaaah, guess what, jackass. You're not gonna touch her. And if you try to come for us, we'll kill you.

[i could hear some muffling in the background... it sounded just like Lizzy]

Listen motherfucker, I'm only gonna tell you this once. The minute I find you and the rest of you sick fucks, you're gonna be in a world of pain. That is a promise I intend to keep.

Good luck, buster.


That son of a bitch..

"I'm leaving, and i'm doing this alone," I shouted, "give me the location and I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Do that and i'll never live this down, dude," Tree said, "we are ALL coming with you."

Soon after the call, Brandon and the guys set off for St. Louis. Now they're only 6 hours away, but all they need is courage, confidence and hope that Lizzy is still okay.

*Tyler POV*

Who the hell are these people?
What do they want with Lizzy..?

   I don't understand but i hope it'll all be over soon.. I've been riding with Andy and Brent and both of them have been trying to comfort me and cheer me up...  Nothing has helped.
   Whenever I feel like she's in trouble, my whole world collapses.. I don't know what I'd ever do without her.. I would probably die..

  I have been trying to think of a good way to write her a letter through text but I don't know if the kidnappers have her phone or not.. either way I think I should send it.

"To my dearest Liz,

I hope you know how important you are to me. We have been friends for as long as I can remember and you were the light that healed my world, that was my darkness. I want you to know that I'll never stop looking for you. That I am not stopping until I get you home safe. And that I will be there to rescue you and bring you home. I love you more than anything. I always have.

Eternally yours,


I just hope she knows that I'm thinking about her... Her mom is thinking about her and so is everybody else.

I just find it very weird how these people just come out of the blue and kidnap her.

could it have been someone she knew..?

was it someone that was close to her...?

I just don't understand...


It cannot be. I'll fucking kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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