The Spark Between Us

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*Third POV*

Brandon decided to take Lizzy out for some fun at Dave N Buster's the next day. It was only their second date but he's really hoping to get to know her more.
  Tyler, Dave, Hayden, Andrew and Brent were getting ready to see a movie called "The Gallows." Brandon warned them, saying that it was the 'stupidest movie he's seen since Scary Movie IV.' Of course, no one listened.

"We'll text you guys when we get there!" Dave shouted.
"Alright, see y'all later," Lizzy & Brandon replied. The guys got in two cars and took off.

"Hey Liz? Um... do you want to go somewhere with me today?" Brandon asked Lizzy.
"Sure!" she replied, "Where are we going?" Brandon smirked and poked her. "It's a secret."

"Ugh, you always do that!" She punched his side lightly, giving him a kiss on his cheek, with a smirk. Brandon made a goofy face and said, "I just want you to be surprised when we get there!" Lizzy looked down at her feet. "Haha, fine. But first, I'm playing Mortal Kombat X."

Brandon raised an eyebrow, letting out a huge laughing-sigh. "Ahh girls and their 'gaming skills'. Okay fine. We'll play for a little bit, but be warned.. I'm undefeated." Lizzy rolled her eyes and scoffed. " Hahahah, okay, whatever."


*game sounds coming from the TV*

"Damn it," Brandon whined, "You're a cheater."

"What?" Lizzy chuckled, "No I'm not. You're always choosing the lamest characters."

"Oh you think you're funny, huh?" Brandon set his controller down and tackled Lizzy, pinning her arms above her head. "Take it back," he whispered.

"Haha nope," Lizzy mumbled. Brandon's phone went off shortly after. It was a text from Dave.

Dave: We're here. Remember what I said. You kids have fun!!

Brandon: Gotcha brah. Thanks!

"Hey we should start getting ready," Brandon said to Lizzy as he sat down next to her. "Okay," she replied, "I'll get in the shower. I am pretty quick!" "Okay, I'm getting in as well. DON'T STEAL ALL THE HOT WATER." Brandon giggled and and smiled at Lizzy, getting her to blush.


Lizzy got dressed, put a little bit of makeup on, and fixed her hair up in a messy ponytail. She was wearing a ripped up Corpse Bride tank top with black shorts and some skull vans. She looked super cute!
Brandon, on the other hand, decided to make himself look like a tiger. He straightened his hair wore a Pink Floyd tank top with ripped up skinny jeans and some combat boots. He was looking gorgeous.

*Brandon POV*

I looked in the mirror to check myself one last time. Brandon my friend, you're one sexy piece of ass. Hahaha Whatever. I checked my phone to see what was on Twitter. Of course there's a lot of DM's from fans, stalkers, & let's not forget those talented kids who draw pictures for us.

Then I saw a tweet from Brent: "The Gallows is dumb af so far.. Might take a nap... Don't waste your money." HA. HA HA HA. WHAT DID I TELL THEM! Soon after i laughed at their stupidity, I heard Lizzy come down the stairs. She stopped at the end of the staircase. "Brandon, you look amazing.. Do I look okay?" she asked.

"Lizzy.. you look perfect. Just.. so perfect." My heart rate was increasing, I could feel myself tingle on the inside. Lizzy looked beyond beautiful.

"Aww, you're so sweet," she replied, "Thank you so much." I walked over to her, gently grabbed her cheeks and kissed her soft lips. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and smile during that kiss. "You smell so good," I whispered.

"Hehe thanks," Lizzy whispered back. Then I heard a whimper. It was my dog, Bandit.

"Cutie.. I'm going to let Bandit out real quick, then we'll leave."

"Okay, B."

I kissed her cheek real fast and then I got up to let my little tater tot out. "Come on, bud let's go!" Bandit ran outside and started running around the backyard until he had to do what he had to do. After 5 minutes, I let him in and I saw Lizzy holding out some treats for him. She's definitely a keeper.

Text from Dave: Hey man we're headed to Olive Garden. prolly be back around 2:30 or so. Say hi to the girlfriend for me!

Brandon: Alright, man. We're going out now. See ya later!

After a minute or so, we left for Dave N Buster's. Traffic was light and there were no cops on the road so I was just chillin' with my lady by my side.

20-30 minutes after cruising on the freeway, we made it to D&B.

"Ready to get beat?" I asked Lizzy. She gave me a cute mean look to try and intimidate me. "Hahaha, in your dreams, Hoover," she replied.

*** LIZZY POV ***

"Hahaha, in your dreams, Hoover!" I told Brandon as I started running into D&B to beat him inside. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" He began running after me. I love spending time with Brandon. This is only our second date, but it feels like i've been with him forever.. He makes me feel happy, safe, and confident to be myself around him.. Nothing can ruin this!

A few minutes after we entered Dave & Buster's, I noticed my phone was going crazy. I kept getting missed calls from an UNKNOWN number. Then I got some mysterious text messages.. As I read them, they made my blood boil, but I couldn't let Brandon see me like this..

UNKNOWN: Having fun with him, Liz?

Me: Who is this?

UNKNOWN: You little whore. You're gonna regret this.

Me: Who the hell are you and what do you want???

UNKNOWN: The less you know, the better.

"Hey, babe is everything okay?" Brandon asked, "You look worried."

"Yeah, haha it's nobody," I replied, "Let's play some more games!"

I don't know what the hell that was... but... could that be.. him?

I can't tell Brandon...

i just can't..

Makeshift Chemistry // A Brandon Hoover FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now