Weekend Vibes

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*Tree POV*

Saturday is here and i feel amazing.
The sun was shining through my window. Things like that are signs that it's going to be a great day. So, I got up, brushed my teeth, texted my baby Caity good morning, and put on my robe and Brandon's slippers. Now, this boy's had these plaid slippers since he was 16. I love it when he keeps the things that I give him.

Everyone was still asleep. I usually get up around 9 to make covers and go on Periscope. But today, it felt like waking up after 75 years. It was 8:30 a.m when I woke up this morning.. I wasn't use to that because the guys and I stayed up until almost 3 or 3:30 playing video games, drinking Jack, and other stuff... After Lizzy crashed upstairs, and when everyone else went to bed, I pulled Brandon to the side to talk to him for a little bit.



"So did you guys..... Have a good night?"

"Uh.. yeah. P-probably the best n-night since forev-ver.. Hayden I might s-sound dumb but she's so amazing & down-to-earth."

"Aww, that's cute. Are you and Lizzy.... y'know.. dating? You guys barely met, you know that, right?"

"What? Um, n-no. And y-yeah I k-know." ....yes.."

"B.. Talk to me. I'm always here for you no matter what.. Like the time when I had to clean up your vomit after you decided to chug a whole gallon of milk."

"It was a dare from Caity, bish... and bro... honestly i'm thinking about.... asking her out."

"Oh. my. god.... I knew it. So when do you plan on doing it?!"

"I'm not sure... Maybe in a week or so. 2 weeks, a month.. I don't know. But I'm gonna try to do something with her tomorrow."

"Think about it and have fun! I'm gonna hit the hay. G'night, homie."

"I will.. and goodnight my brotha."


Yea, things were a little awkward... But ANYWAYS... this was my morning.

As I was going downstairs, I heard a loud, ladylike scream coming from the kitchen. I ran over as fast as I could to find Andy standing on top of a damn chair, shaking his knees and quivering like a baby. There was a squirrel in the house.


"Andy, calm down," I told him, "What the hell's your prob----Oh. You didn't lock the back door again, did you?"


"What the f.. okay. Move over there."

I walked to the back door to let the squirrel outside. Andy moved to the right side of me. The squirrel was eyeballing me and Andy the whole time and when I opened the door to let it out, it ran like a bat outta hell. Hahaha, I nearly died laughing when Andy screamed like a girl.

"You good, bro?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, thanks man," he responded with a shaky voice, "I fucking hate squirrels. They're so cute online, but they're demons in real life! And they smell like SHIT!"

"Hahahahaha! Well I'm gonna go get some breakfast tacos, wanna come?" He nodded his head and grabbed the keys to my little car.

"Don't slam the door," I whispered, "I think the others are still asleep."

*Brent POV*

I'm pretty sure that Andrew didn't lock the back door again before we went to bed. I could hear him scream all the way from my room. He didn't wake me up, though. I've been playing on my X Box for about 2 hours now. Maybe I should come out of my dorm, I thought. I came downstairs to the smell of bacon, eggs, chorizo and salsa. The guys bought tacos for breakfast. I'm guessing they did it when we were all still asleep. Either way, I went downstairs and ate about 6 tacos. Each one was filled with bacon, eggs, beans and chorizo. Those were some of the best tacos I ever tasted.

Me, Lizzy, Tyler and the rest of the guys had a fun morning. Hayden, Lizzy and Brandon were playing COD in the living room, Andy and Dave were in the kitchen talking about God knows what, and Tyler and I were getting to know each other more.

"Yeah, man," Tyler said, "I didn't really know a whole lot about music until Lizzy introduced me to you guys and some other bands. When she told me about y'all I pretty much turned my life around."

"That's good to hear," I told him, "Just remember to be the best you can be and things like this, will come your way."

"Thanks, man. This really means a lot to me; Especially to Lizzy." Tyler paused for a short second, then he put a hand on my shoulder saying, "You guys really made her happy. She told me that you guys saved her life." Tyler glared at her, Hayden and Brandon for a short while.

"I know. And that makes us feel good, bro. I love it when a fan says that CTE saved their life. It's like getting the Nobel Peace Prize. Haha, and when we saw her face from telling her to come over, we all felt a cloud of joy reign over our heads. But dude, remember that she'll always be your best friend, okay? You just gotta be there and support her through whatever decision she makes. But she isn't going anywhere; trust me. She'd never leave you like that."

"I trust you, bro."

"Good.. Oh yeah, the guys and I are going to see a movie tomorrow, wanna come?"

"Sure! Who's going? All of us?"

"Alriiiight! And it's just going to be you, me, Andy, Dave and Tree. I think Brandon and Lizzy our somewhere."

Tyler nodded and smiled at me, and i gave him a pat on the back. We could barely hear each other after that because 2 lunatics playing COD and they were starting to get crazy.

"no, nO, NO YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO REVIVE ME FrOM those ZomBIES , IDIOT," Lizzy shouted at Brandon.


"Guys, it's 10 in the morning can y'all be quiet please, thanks," Tree told them.

"Bish I'll whoop your ass." Brandon threw a piece of paper at my head.

"When? In the next 40 years?Hahaha!"

Then Brandon threw a pillow at Tree, then at Lizzy. 3 seconds later, all we could hear were screams and yelps. Tree was at the end of the couch with his hand on his forehead. Hahah, I'd be doing that to if I were next to those maniacs.

"WILL YOU GUYS PLEASE BE QUIET?" Dave shouted from across the room. When he shouts, it usually gets really quiet. Tree, Lizzy and Brandon didn't say a word after that until Dave went back into the kitchen. I wonder if he's okay, he doesn't look like himself today...

"Yeah you guys," Andy added, "We have neighbors and rabid ass squirrels in the backyard!!"

"Sorry, you guys," Brandon muttered. He wrapped his arm around Lizzy kissing her forehead. "You're such a dork," Lizzy whispered to him as she leaned up against him.

I haven't seen Brandon this happy since... well.. he hates when i bring her up... Nevermind.

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