Chapter Two

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"Great first day, everyone!" Andrew dismissed them promptly at five.

Everyone jumped up to gather their things, eager to get home after a tiring day.

Ramin was walking out when he noticed that Sierra was lingering behind, taking her time to gather her script and purse.

She was nice.  That was one of the first things Ramin noticed about her.  He slowly approached her, feeling the need to say something witty and clever.

"How'd rehearsals go for you?" He blurted.  That wasn't anything like he'd planned on saying.  He mentally slapped himself as Sierra turned to face him, her eyes still directed down.

"I feel like I'm in a glass case of emotions," she sighed.

Ramin instantly perked up.

"You like The Anchorman?" He asked eagerly.

She laughed.  "I was wondering if you'd get that reference."

"That's my all time favorite movie!" Ramin nearly shouted.

"Mine too!" Sierra replied with equal enthusiasm.

"And, really, Sierra, I don't know why you didn't know who I was earlier." Ramin tried to keep a straight face.  "I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal."

"Really?" Sierra pursed her lips, and Ramin could tell she too was trying not to giggle.

"People know me," Ramin shrugged, letting the edges of his lips curl ever so slightly.

"Well, I'm very happy for you." Sierra raised a hand to her mouth to hide her smile as her green eyes sparkled with amusement.

"I'm very important," Ramin continued, knowing he'd have to tweak his next lines a bit.  "I have many leather-bound scripts and my flat smells of rich mahogany."

At that point they both lost it.  Ramin doubled over, and Sierra's body shook as she laughed and laughed.  They were both wiping tears from their eyes as they struggled to regain their composure.

That was when they noticed Andrew and Jack staring at them from across the room.  They looked slightly concerned.  This made them laugh all over again, and finally Andrew sighed.

"I hate to break this up, but we have an interview scheduled." Andrew gestured to himself and Jack.

"Sorry, Andrew," Sierra wiped away one last tear as she scooped up her purse and hurried out the door, Ramin at her heels.

Once they were safely outside, they burst into laughter again, ignoring the weird looks they got from passerby. 

"I don't think I've ever laughed harder in my life," Sierra choked. 

"Me either," Ramin agreed, chuckling. 

"So you're a big Anchorman fan, huh?" Sierra nudged him with her elbow as they started walking.

Ramin's flat was in the opposite direction, but he wanted to keep talking.  Sierra probably didn't realize that she didn't know where Ramin lived and had just set off in her normal way, but Ramin was alright with it.

"Anchorman pretty much made my life," he admitted.

"Mine, too," Sierra grinned.

Ramin smiled.  "We should watch it sometime," he offered without thinking.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I'd like that," Sierra said softly after a few seconds.

Suddenly, Ramin's phone began ringing.  He slid it out of his pocket and checked the screen.

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