Chapter Nineteen

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"I'm sorry about that," Sierra said to Ramin after Tam had stormed away.

"It's not your fault." Ramin shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.

Sierra didn't know what to say.  Finally, she leaned in and quickly kissed Ramin's cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then?" She asked after she'd pulled back.

"Definitely." Ramin grinned at her.

Once Sierra got home, she closed her door and sighed, somewhat happy.  She knew Ramin cared about her to some extent, and she couldn't deny her feelings for him.

She walked to her living room and froze.

"Back so soon, huh?" Tam didn't even look at her from where he was sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here." She said through gritted teeth.  She didn't even make it sound like a question.  It was supposed to be a statement.

"I just thought I'd come check up on my girlfriend." He said, standing up to face her.

She immediately backed away, but Tam advanced on her.

"What do you want?" She hissed.  Tam chuckled.

"It's not what I want; it's what I need." He said.

Sierra didn't reply.  Instead, she slowly put her hand in her purse and clenched her phone tightly in case she needed to run while she called for help.

"I need an answer, Sierra." Tam snapped.

"What answer?" Sierra had backed herself up into a corner, and Tam was slowly closing in on her.

"If you really love me.  I won't tolerate cheating." Tam warned her.  She held her breath.

"Why would I cheat on you?" She asked quietly, knowing she'd need to stay on his good side.

Tam shrugged.  "Who knows what goes on in that sick little mind of yours.  But hear me loud and clear," he said as he grabbed Sierra by her shoulders firmly.  She struggled underneath his strong grasp.

"Let me go!" She cried out.  This prompted Tam to tighten his grip, causing Sierra to let out a little cry of pain.

"I don't want you going anywhere near Ramin." Tam ordered.  "You'll have to perform with him, but hanging around him outside of the theatre is unacceptable."

Sierra's eyes widened.  Ramin was her one true friend.  Sure, she had Summer and Joseph and her family, but Summer and Joseph didn't know everything that was going on, and her family was on another continent.  Ramin was all she truly had.

"Do you understand me?" Tam hissed in her ear.  She slowly nodded, a tear making its way down her cheek.  Tam shoved her to the ground.  Sierra buried her head in her knees and cried as she heard Tam leave.


On Tuesday morning, Ramin entered the Adelphi Theatre with a smile on his face.  He couldn't believe he got to originate such an iconic role in such a gorgeous theatre. 

Ramin wandered down the hall to his dressing room, passing Sierra's on the way.  He figured after he dropped off his stuff he'd go say good morning to her.

After setting his coat and the lunch he'd picked up in his dressing room, he knocked on Sierra's door.

"Who is it?" He heard her ask cautiously. 

"It's Ramin!" He said cheerfully. 


Confused, Ramin tapped on the door again.

"Sierra?" He called softly. 

More silence.

Now genuinely worried, Ramin knocked on the door harder.

"Sierra, let me in." He begged.

"Go away, Ramin!" Her voice sounded strained and hoarse, like she'd been crying.

Ramin stepped back, feeling as though he'd been slapped in the face and punched in the stomach repeatedly. 

What was wrong with Sierra?  She'd never acted that way before.  He went back to his dressing room and sat on a couch, putting his head in his hands.

Sierra meant the world to him.  She was the one bright spot in his life.  When she smiled, she lit up the entire room, immediately lifting Ramin's spirits.  And when she was sad, he felt sad, too.  She didn't deserve any sadness. 

Ramin wished whatever pain she was going through could be put on his shoulders instead.  He hated how her voice had sounded, so lonely and sad.  That crying certainly must've hurt her voice, and they had previews in three days!  He needed to know what was wrong now more than ever.

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