Chapter Thirty

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The next day, Sierra bounced into the Adelphi at four in the afternoon, two hours before her normal Wednesday call time.  Ramin had texted her that morning, saying he was busy during the day but he needed her to come in early.

She said quick hellos to a few of the stagehands and the doorman before dropping her bag off in her dressing room.  After quickly fixing her hair, she headed to Ramin's dressing room, tapping lightly on the door.

"Ramen!" Sierra sing-songed, smiling to herself.  She waited for a little laugh from Ramin before hearing him say "come in, Siruh," opening the door with a grin on his face. 

But she heard nothing.  She knocked on the door again, but there was no answer.

"Ramin, are you there?" She asked worriedly.  Nothing.

Sierra was about to give up and go look for him elsewhere, but just as she turned away, the door slowly opened.

"Come in," he whispered.  Sierra noticed he looked miserably tired as she entered the dark dressing room.  Ramin settled on the couch uneasily as she flung the curtains open, letting light flood the room.

Sierra took the spot next to Ramin, but he immediately shifted over.  She awkwardly laid her hands in her lap and grew increasingly worried as the silence became louder.

Finally, Ramin gently cleared his throat.

"Sierra, we need talk," he mumbled.  Sierra sat up straighter, trying to hide her worry.

"About what?" She asked softly.

Ramin took a deep breath.  "Us."

Sierra's pulse quickened as Ramin avoided her eyes, clenching his fists as he began to breathe heavier.  Sierra realized Ramin was trying to keep himself from crying by breathing harder; she often did this.  It pained her to see Ramin trying hard to keep himself from crying, so she reached out to take his hand.  The second her fingers made contact with his, Ramin pulled his hand away.

"Ramin, what's wrong?" Sierra demanded quietly.  He swallowed before running a hand through his hair.  Sierra felt the sudden urge to reach out and smooth down a few strands, but she resisted it.

"Sierra, I think..." He trailed off.

"Think what?" She pressed, her heart steadily beating faster.

"I think we should break up," Ramin blurted.

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