Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


Ramin sat on his couch in the dark, just staring.  His eyes rested on the digital clock: 1:34AM. He kept staring into space, his thoughts occupied by Sierra.

Her red hair and green eyes were breathtakingly beautiful, not to mention she was extremely talented.  No one could ever compare to her.

And when they'd kissed in rehearsals, his heart had fluttered and his stomach had done some weird flip-floppy dance.  He knew it was just a stage kiss, but something just felt so right.

Then he remembered a crucial factor: she had a boyfriend.  A guy who was much more talented than he would ever be.  Honestly He didn't know why he was the principle and Tam was the understudy. 

He saw the way Tam looked at her.  He simply adored her.  Who wouldn't?  He got to call her his.  To him, Tam was the luckiest guy in the world. 

He suddenly felt very sad as he realized that he wouldn't ever have a shot at real happiness. He'd be stuck with Mandy for the rest of his life.  That was how she was.  When she wanted something, she got it.  Unfortunately for him, he was the thing she wanted.

He looked at the clock again.  2:03AM.  Time passed quickly when he thought of Sierra, and then slowed again when he thought about everything standing in his way.

He had no idea if his feelings were reciprocated.  He could only dream that she might feel the same way.

He finally sighed and heaved himself off the couch to head to bed.  His eyes were droopy and he already felt half asleep. 

Suddenly, his phone rang loudly, causing him to jump.  He was instantly awake as he fumbled for it in his pocket.

SIERRA, the caller ID read.  He immediately grew worried.

Why would she be calling at this time of night?, he wondered nervously as he connected the call.

"Sierra?  What's wrong?" He quickly asked.

"Ramin...I'm sorry to bug you, but...can you come over?" She sniffled.

Ramin could tell she'd been crying.  It broke his heart to hear how hurt she sounded.

"Of course; I'll be there in ten minutes." He promised as he hurried to the door.

"Please, hurry," she cried before the call disconnected. 

With that he ran as fast as he could out the door and to his car.  He hopped in and sped off down the street.

Since it was nearly three in the morning, the London streets weren't too crowded.  In a city as big as this, there were always people somewhere. 

He got to Sierra's flat as quickly as he could and ran to her door, knocking on it rapidly.

A moment later, it opened, and there stood Sierra.  But it wasn't the Sierra he knew.  She had mascara running down her cheeks and her hair was sticking every which way.  Her normally bright green eyes were dull and lifeless. 

Ramin felt like he had no right to see her like that, so he quickly glanced down.  That was when he noticed the big purple bruise on her arm.

Suddenly, she threw herself into his arms and buried her face in his chest.  Ramin wrapped his strong arms around her as she cried. 

He leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head. 

"It's gonna be okay," he whispered, though he had no idea what was wrong in the first place.

She kept crying and offered no response.  So he just held her, starting to feel teary himself.

It broke Ramin's heart to see her so sad.  She didn't deserve it.  No one should ever make her sad.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Sierra's sobs quieted to soft crying, and she pulled away, her cheeks tear-stained and her makeup even more runny than before.

"Maybe we should go inside," he whispered.

She slowly nodded and took his hand. 

Ramin swallowed as they sat on the couch and Sierra took a deep breath before she began speaking.

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